We Grow Stronger TOGETHER
So much has happened in the Jewish world during the past year. However, no matter what the challenge, our Federation experienced another successful and productive year. Our local agencies continue to provide critical services and quality programs to Delaware and the Brandywine Valley. Our reach overseas directly touches the lives of so many who look to us for help.
The Gratitude Report highlights last year’s activities and our allocations to local, national and global Jewish needs. The report also demonstrates how our organization furthers Jewish life through a number of programs and initiatives.
Thanks to the generosity of Highmark Delaware and Delmarva Power, the production and printing of this report was completely underwritten. No community dollars were utilized in this year’s report, saving critical operational dollars for immediate local and global needs.
In our commitment to serve as the wise stewards of your philanthropic dollar, we are proud to report that your Federation continues to receive the highest level of recognition for being a trusted and transparent organization in each of the industry’s key evaluators – GuideStar's Platinum Seal of Transparency, Charity Navigator's coveted Four-Star Rating, and Great Nonprofits' Top-Rated Award.
The story of Federation’s success is told not only by the dollars raised but by lives changed; by realities improved and hopes restored. It is true that each of us can make a difference by acting on our own, but TOGETHER, we can accomplish so much more than any one person working alone.
We Grow Stronger TOGETHER.