We Got It Wrong. Don’t Be Us!
Steven Daniel Bonacorsi ??
Steven Bonacorsi ?? President of the International Standard for Lean Six Sigma (ISLSS)?, ?? Certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, ?? Lean Six Sigma Group, Owner PMP, MBA, ???? MS-CIS, Agilest, Management Consultant
Warnings from a Failed Technology Adoption Program
Download the interview “We Got It Wrong. Don’t Be Us!” here
Ask most CIOs why they fail to successfully introduce technology into the workplace and they will remain tight lipped or deny it ever happens!
But the possible hurdles facing organisations are numerous and often hard to discern – from unreliable vendors to a deficiency in training.
Ahead of Technology Excellence Week Europe 2018, the PEX Network spoke to one anonymous CIO who was at the heart of a global organisation when their digital transformation strategy crashed and burned.
They agreed to walk us through the points of failure and to share advice for others looking to target a similar objective…
Download the free interview here
It couldn’t be clearer: organisations need to do everything they can to avoid such short falls – wouldn’t you agree?
We’ve been asked by our community of over 150,000 process professionals to launch an event that answers the question:
How can you deliver process and operational transformation to your business through digital and technology excellence?
TEX Week Europe has been working with the likes of Google, IKEA, UBS and Volkswagen, to focus on these 3 key areas: Efficiency, innovation and transformation.
Join us at TEX Week Europe this September in Portugal and be at the forefront of digital transformation. See the brochure here for more info