Are we giving the political establishment and main stream media a pass?
Are we giving the political establishment and main stream media a pass? Quick answer – of course we are!
When our leaders and others in the news are not “politically correct” their explanation - “I misspoke”.
They are telling us they didn’t mean what they said --- but they already said it!!
When is the last time you called someone a liar?
When is the last time you blamed someone else as a way to support your own actions?
When is the last time you didn’t play by the rules?
When is the last time you disregarded instructions from your boss?
When is the last time you used the phrase “Believe me”
Personal responsibility still matters so One Vote Matters!
Do not overlook the importance of being a role model in the face of adversity. Our values, principles, and moral compass matters to us so we should consider the behavior, attitude and CHARACTER of the candidates.
One vote matters so stop giving our political establishment, main stream media and political elite a pass.
WE the people must hold them accountable at the ballot box.
One Vote Matters!