We are getting out of hand, America!

We are getting out of hand, America!

Yes, we have had plenty of strife in America’s past, beginning with the revolution itself. While we say the Civil War killed brother-by-brother, the revolution was no different. The loyalist and patriots were all brothers as well and we were killing or terrorizing each other‘s families and communities here on American soil, just like we are doing today.

Throughout the history of America, some groups of people have hated each other, which led to such events as the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, the Kennedys, attempts on Ronald Reagan, and more recently, an attempted kidnapping of a governor, a sniper attack on a group of congressmen, the beating of the spouse of the Speaker of the House, the stalking of senators, and the harassment of even our Supreme Court justices at their homes.

People's actions are flat-out telling the rest of the world that we are not as United as we purport to be, certainly not a nation built on biblical values, and in many cases purposely tearing our government apart with actions like the January 6th?riots on the Capital itself.

The media and the leftist will tell you this is a problem of American democracy, while the alt-right blames our woes on the infiltration of non-Americans.

But what else would we have?

Every other form of government has killed 100s of millions of people, especially socialism and communism. These are only other words for having a dictator or king with faulty sovereign power over the people to control their lives.

What we do not have in this country is a failed democracy!

What we do have is a failed love of what we should hold dear, each other.

Because of the dissent of discord where we no longer listen to each other, we fall into the groupthink problem hanging only with those who believe what we believe is the truth and calling all others the heretics.

The problem is that we are not opening our hearts to each other as fellow human beings. We have lost the ability to know the truth, and the truth cannot be found in the feelings of humans.

Humanity is what we see happening on the news all over the world. We believe that humans are both the cause and the solution to the problem, but show me anywhere in science or life where X plus Y equals Y or X? That’s an impossibility. And don’t tell me zero plus X equals X because in science and life – there can NOT be nothing. There is no such thing as nothing. God created everything, and the essence of everything is everywhere in all places and all things.

So where can we find the truth and the answers?

In and through the love that God has given us in the birth, death, and resurrected life of Jesus Christ. This country could never have become the greatest nation in the history of man without Jesus. Belief in Jesus is what has enabled free men to love one another and serve one another, and together to create the western culture that has enabled each of us to think freely, bring life to the dreams of every person, and innovate through the creativity of a free-thinking person.

I teach entrepreneurship and believe in free enterprise.

Have you ever heard yourself or your buddy say, “Hey, I thought of that years ago,” when you see a new product being advertised?

Everyone has ideas. God gave us the brain to figure out how to best live on this Earth He created for us. The difference between your friend and the guy that brought the new product to the market is the freedom to ACT on your idea and the environment to achieve anything you want through action.

All the people who live in non-democratic nations have dreams and ideas too. They just don’t have the freedom or the environment that enables them to act on their ideas.?Christians founded this country because they fled the persecution and dictatorship of kings, emperors, and popes. Our founders’ faith and their purpose were to design a government that was not top-down controlled by a single person or politburo; no it was a government that was given its power directly by the people with certain inalienable rights granted by God through voting for a representative government.

This is the same thing that happened when Jesus came to Earth. Jesus, the Messiah, came not to rule over a nation of men. He could very well have executed a coup of the Hebrew leaders and even dispensed of the current Roman rulers over Israel, but that would not have lasted just like no other human-directed civilization has any time in the history of man.

No, instead, He came to change the hearts of man to think beyond himself and to change each person one at a time. As you can see, this message won out over all sorts of governments, even ones built on a humanistic religious organization.

Over the past 2000 years, Christianity has expanded across the globe beyond the Roman empire, kingdoms, and nations that no longer exist.

Yes, the problems we see in America are directly related to the fact that most people in this country are no longer righteous Christians. Seventy percent may say they are Christian, but they depend on humanity more than they do their faith in Him. They believe we are better at governing ourselves without the love Jesus tells us to have for each other.

As Jesus points out, there is no human on earth nor in the history of man who is not a sinner, self-centered, or a failure to his fellow man (other than Him of course).?A feeling-selfish-being cannot rule over other people without curtailing their freedom. We tend to gravitate toward others like us and get rid of those who are not. We are incapable of it as humans, so, how will we, as a nation, move out of this time of strife?

I believe that it can only happen through the love of Christians, who hold Jesus dear in their hearts, who can dispense with decisiveness and secular groupthink and use our faith in Jesus to open our hearts to the thoughts and ideas others have, forgiving each other’s transgressions and working to build consensus as a people of faith in America.

Just as the families of those who died at the Charleston AME church shooting, where the surviving family members each publicly forgave the man so full of hate he would end the lives of the innocent during their Bible study, or as Christian Olympic Gymnast Rachael Denhollander who powerfully forgave in public court the USA Gymnastics physician who molested her and well over 150 women, we too need to forgive each other, open our hearts and minds to the place of others so that we may understand where they’re coming from. Then together, make decisions based on the good for all the people of America according to The Way Jesus instructs us.

We will never fix what we have broken! We can only evolve to a place where we forgive what was broken, ask for forgiveness for our transgressions, and pledge to serve one another.

We must all strive to open our hearts and ears to each other, so that we may listen, hear and understand each other’s perspectives, then apply them to our lives, and make decisions on how we will act and move forward as a nation. This is The Way that Jesus instructed us and God reveals to us through the Bible.

For my fellow citizens, we must choose the unity of our citizens over any political party. We can't teach a united gospel if we are divided politically in daily life. We, as the people, not the party, created America. Why would we allow a political view to divide us when it was Christianity, not a Republican or Democrat party, that shaped the foundations of western culture that led to the creation of America?

The teaching of Jesus laid the groundwork for our modern sense of justice, fairness, and dignity of each other.

But how do we resolve and restore confidence in ourselves?

I have always said that no man makes laws, whether they be the laws of nature (science) or the laws of ruling. No, man only discovers them. Laws of the land are justified by something more than a majority in a democracy. They all rest on the infinite foundation of righteousness. A nation built on a representative government empowered by the people themselves is the only one that can discover the full breadth of justice and security that God provides us.

This is the only form of government that can break out from the humanistic limitations of individual or small-group thinking. It takes a government that listens to all people, that enables righteous ideas to form within the body of one, and adapts to the sensibilities and needs of others along the way. When those righteous ideas reach our representatives, they formalize the discovery and enact them to govern.

Executive orders by any President, outside of those powers that have been granted to him by the people through the Constitution, do not follow this proven formula. They are the dictations by a small group of narrow-minded people for their own sake first and, thus, not a discovery of righteousness that will benefit all the people.

As it says on every single US currency, "In God, We Trust" and so we must to ensure we do not tear ourselves apart.

One hundred years ago, Calvin Coolidge spoke of a spirit of radicalism that prevailed in the country that proved very destructive. What did he say was needed as he left the Office of the President?

"A restoration of confidence in our institutions and each other."

He believed, as I do, that we are a nation of one people! One in unity as believers of what America represents, where the welfare of the weakest and the welfare of the most powerful are inseparably bound together.

When the Great Depression hit the world in 1929, it not only brought economic and social crisis, but also forced families, churches, and religious organizations to reckon with individual and social suffering in ways that they had not done in the United States since the Civil War. This reckoning introduced a period of both theological and institutional transformation. Theologians wrestled not only with the domestic depression, but also with international instability as they faced questions about pacifism, economic and racial justice, and religious persecution. People not only prayed for rain but revival. Many turned to their religious communities to wrestle together with the troubles they faced, or turned from those communities in disappointment and despair - very similar to the church environments we have today.

Then, we entered into WWII and all the distress that came with sending our men and women to war. While we won, we also lost, leading to the emergence of great Christian leaders like Bill Bright, who founded Campus Crusade for Christ, and Billy Graham, who popularized evangelical Christianity for a new generation. With the help of the Christian Businessmen’s Committee, Graham reached an estimated 180,000,000 people through his nearly 400 crusades worldwide, with millions more joining him on television.

Is America Ripe for Revival Today?

A majority of Americans believe our country is going downhill. Yet church attendance as a percent of the population has held steady since the 1940s. America has approximately 350,000 churches, and the number of born-again Christians has grown steadily to 46% of adults today. 213 million of the 330 million US citizens claim they are Christian.

But given the state of moral and spiritual decay, how is this possible?

Today, Christianity is prevalent but needs to be more powerful. We, as a group of citizens, have not been coordinated, nor have we been effective in our message. Our opposers want it that way. That is why they "cancel" us or take us to court as soon as they can, whether they know they'll win or not. They know that just the threat is enough to keep us quiet.

The solution is spiritual revival and awakening; if not through the churches, we can channel our prayers and God's wishes through our businesses.

We’ve not had an awakening in America of historic proportion since the time of Billy Graham, and the Christian Businessmen's network led to the middle-century great revival and awakening.?Like then, we have a great base of many Christian Business organizations from which to start, and a great need to counteract the increasing moral and spiritual decline of our nation, communities, and families appears ripe for a fresh outpouring of God’s Spirit.

If you are so inclined, right now please pray with me,?

"Heavenly Father, make us one in unity for the sake of our nation and the people that grant our government its authority. Begin with me and my community so that we may unite with others as the love you have shown us is shared and spread across America. Please use me, my family, and my business as your witness to the work we can do together as faith-driven believers. Just as your Word and the faith in Jesus Christ have spread throughout the world over the past 2000 years, may a revival of righteousness, gratitude, and love spread across these United States to shine your light for the rest of the world. In Jesus's name, I pray, Amen."

Please join me at GordonJones.org as we network with other Christian organizations, businesses, and entrepreneurs who wish to build their companies on biblical principles and witness that service to their constituents.

bigirimana feston

Greening our planet.

2 年

so hurting



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