Are we getting off from a distance ?
Do You think that we are learning how to get out from isolation and start return to the normal life? I think that's what we all want or sorry probably most of us .Are there still any introverts for whom lockdown is like a paradise .Is anybody who still haven't spent enough of time just for him/herself ?
Well maybe not too many still see previous year and isolation like a blessing from God or gift from a Heaven . Mostly we are missing our society .
I have a few questions about how this return to normality is going looks like as there are so many controversial issues to fix .
I had some kind of serious chat with manager of hotel where i have membership in gym .
Do You know that not for everyone dining indoor is unavailable ? Yes .That's right .Perhaps if You just book room in hotel and get resident card and order drink and meal over there,You are able take a seat in lobby in hotel and take off Your face mask . But if I'm member of leisure center I must wear it even if I just cross to the elevator rapidly . Obviously i can't sit in if I'm not guest of hotel . For local people are prepared tables outdoor . In this way hotel wants protect their residents . Even if You deem that You are fully vaccinated it doesn't matter .
But residents will go out anyway . Or maybe they should stay in ?
As You see nothing makes any sense over here .
I asked what will happen after eventual reopening for those who are not vaccinated . They have a doubts and reasons for so .
How they will do it technically ? What about my gym members ? What if any of them doesn't want be vaccinated ? Will they still allowed use a gym and spa ?
Will anybody suppose to check it ? And how it will look like? Will we suppose have any special signs on us or present document every time or maybe it's gonna be special bracelet
This gentleman did'n know this answer . He sent me to government if I have any queries . And showed a door and asked to leave .
And my main question is ,,For how long we gonna be forced to cover our faces ?''
We are mostly vaccinated Dear Mr Mitchel .
So maybe is a time stop talk about pandemic .I really wish start look for another subject to rise up and forget about this greatest face mask show .
We all are fed up already .