We get to write our own biography?
Toni Walsh
?? Helping Executives Perform at Their Best - In Health, Leadership & Workplace Mediation ??
I woke up this morning at 5.50am and it started. Everything I needed to do started flooding into my head. I could feel the anxiety rising in my chest as I started to talk myself down.
Just get up Toni , you always feel better once you're up!
I could hear the raining lashing against the window outside as I pulled the duvet over my head telling myself just ten more minutes. I had this conversation with myself a couple more times before hauling my ass out of bed.
I got up at 6.30am and put the kettle on as I always do before getting dressed. You see, I like to let the water settle once it's boiled before making my coffee. [I'm fussy about how I like it, if I use boiling water straight away it makes the coffee taste bitter, but if I leave it for a few minutes then it tastes just right!].
Armed with my coffee, my diary and journal I settled into my morning routine. I've spent months perfecting this and realised only last year that if I don't follow my routine it has a negative knock on affect to the rest of the day.
I use to be one of those people who thought is was all a bit woo woo, but the reality is it works for me and that's what matters. It helps me to zoom out, get some perspective on things and the day ahead.
A lesson I learnt a few years ago and has stuck with me when I'm feeling challenged is;
" Every day we make the choice of who we are and our choices today turn into our biography tomorrow "
For me the most powerful part of this is the imagery that ' your biography ' creates. Anyone who knows me knows I'm a firm believer that our daily choices shape who we are.
Our actions and inactions speak so much louder than words. In fact, when I'm chatting to individuals and they're telling me about their goals it only matters if their actions back up their goals each and every day. All is takes is consistency and the integrity to match our words with our behaviour.
And it got me thinking, how do you want to be remembered?
* As your kids superhero?
* An inspiring mum, dad, brother, sister ..an amazing role model?
* Someone who never gave up?
* Someone who walked their talk, followed their dreams and never settled?
* Someone who was in control of their health and fitness, respected their body mentally and physically?
When I initially stepped into the fitness word as a PT I was so passionate about what I was doing, and I wanted the same for my clients. But something was missing, there was a gap and I wanted to figure out what that was.
I didn't want to be the same as the others and blend in and I wasn't interested in beasting my clients out of it for months to get the results. I wanted to empower them to be able to do it for themselves without having to give up on living and spending hours exercising in a gym.
I'd heard about ' behaviour change coaching ' but in my head I couldn't marry the two together, it just didn't make sense and how it would work on line. But there was something about it all that drew me in and I wanted to know more.
Fast forward and I'm now helping busy professional men and women to take back control of their health and fitness so that they can serve the people around them to the best of their ability.
I asked you the questions and I listen to the answers. The result, my 12 week Transformation Program The RESET Blueprint | Work life balance for career driven professionals. The best part is it fits into the busiest of lifestyle for even the busiest amongst you.
Using my 360 method and applying the three P's Planning, Preparation and Practice to help create flow and a better work life balance.
If you're tired of waking up stressed and feeling like your brain is in overload lets chat. We can have look at where you are now and what needs to happen to get you back on track.
Regain mental clarity throughout the day, feel less stressed and overwhelmed so that you can have something left for your family.
Send me a message to day to book at quick 10, 15 minute call (nothing for sales on this call), if I think that I can help and that we would be a good fit to work together we can arrange to chat about working together on my 12 week transformation program the RESET Blueprint.
Cheers Toni