We focus too much on improving our life style

We focus too much on improving our life style

We are taught every day since childhood, if we don't improve today, compared to our yesterday, why can we say we have “lived” today? Living is not just staying alive like other animals. There's something we can accomplish only as humans. And I'm not referring to material success or physical health or youthfulness success but the success at heart when you realize “I'm so happy to be alive! What a rare blessing it is to have been born as a human.”

You forget things at a moments notice, or keep them for decades. How you decide what matters is how you make decisions. If you are stuck on one thing, it can defray your efforts. That is why I recommend that people got with this. The key to the greatest secret human power been made, and reality tested by millions. It works beautifully. Of the millions of people who use it, I know hundreds, and they get great results when they use it according to directions. There is nothing to buy. All you need is a desire for a better life, and the willingness to train your mind-emotions to be stronger, and more resilient. I will give you the key, and then some explanation.

The key was finalized in Japan, after millennia of work by countless people in India, and China. Warning: The use of this key will improve your life. It will cause you to face what’s holding you back, and will cause you to stop hiding in a maze of avoidance.decision, and will stop you from lying to yourself, and others. The use of this key is your own. If your life is based on denial, avoidance, lying, manipulating, hate, disrespect, and you don’t want to change much, you may want to buy a commercial self-help book, and continue as you are.

The Key is : "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo." Usual and the hidden power of intrinsic memory. events is to tell you how to be. It doesn’t tell you how to eliminate the residual effects of adverse advice, When you read the works, and listen to the interviews of people who have succeeded, you may notice they use information from failures to guide their decisions. They don’t emote over what has happened. They use it. People commonly ask. “Why is my life so boring?” “Why me?” “Why is life so unfair?” “What can I do about it?” “How can I be smarter?” Only asking the why, and feeling cheated keeps a person trapped in those circumstances and suffering.

Here, the essence is unified into a single practice that enables anyone to manifest his/her power. The basic principles of life were studied, debated, written about for centuries in India, China, Korea and when spoken. The ability to speak these words, and use this key is the power Japan. One scholar managed to express them in five Chinese words. In Japanese, they are pronounced Myoho Renge Kyo. This was an expression of principles for those who could study. Nichiren, in thirteenth century Japan, connected all the dots. He recognized that the way to use the secret power was to clear the mind. To enable the clearing of the mind and replace error with wisdom, the element of focus, determination, respect had to be added to Myoho Renge Kyo.?

He used the Sanskrit term namas, shortened to nam This activates the secret ,.human aspect. What Isaac Newton did for gravity, Nichiren did for all of life. I have listed the main points and the words in Japanese. They are capitalized for clarity.?

1-Humans have the ability to respect the truth, to focus their minds. -NAM.?

2- Life is both physical and non-physical. –MYOHO. This is the term that includes the limited aspect of the tangible, the unlimited aspects of the intangible, and their inseparability.

3- Causes produce effects. Sometimes this is not obvious because of the time lag between cause and perceived effect. RENGE -Renge also means that we can choose to release limitations at any time like the opening of a perfect lotus growing in mud.

4- Things are always changing, yet there is persistence. The woof, and warp in cloth illustrates this -KYO.

The overcoming of circumstances is founded on the repeated speaking of the sentence Nam Myoho Renge Kyo by oneself, and sometimes with others. This strengthens synaptic connections based on recognized truth and weakens those based on distortions. Mind-mouth-muscle are unified in the effort. Nichiren’s method works for all of life, whether people believe in it, or not, as long as they try it with a focus on improvement.?

Source(s): My own experiences: phenomenal changes as a result of reciting the formula and working with the SGI for peace, culture.and happiness. Caution, translation difficulties and cultural usages tend to cause many people to regard using their secret power as a religion because it is called Buddhism. The original documents show that Nichiren did not intend for people to rely on a power beyond their own capacities for overcoming limitations. The Soka Gakkai International teaches the method for free in many countries. Greatest Secret Human Power Key.?

It’s easy to get buried in minutiae. Deliberate daily focus on any specific task makes sure it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle. Self-improvement is change If it’s not regularly reinforced, the old habits will take over and whatever progress you’ve made will be lost. Likewise, a series of small changes is easier for most of us to manage than one huge change. An important aspect of focusing on self-improvement is awareness of progress. It’s easy to become discouraged if all you see is the mountain ahead. It’s a good idea to take an occasional look back to see how far you’ve come! Not daily but at every second, self-improvement is important not only to get success but everything…

Important: You can find further Unique & Useful Ideas, Innovations, Inventions and a lot more on Global Peace, Progress & Prosperity etc. by searching the keyword ‘Global Progress Volunteer’ on the Google. Please have the benefit for you first and then give it to rest of the Humanity / World. Stop thinking. Let me explain. You decide you want to start running at 6:00AM every morning. You are excited to finally make the decision and can’t wait to get up in the morning to go for your first run.

You wake up with the alarm at 5:45AM. And now you do the most dreadful of things. You know you shouldn’t do it. But you do it anyway. Habit. Oh the devil, the good old enemy. You start to Think. “Oh I should probably sleep a little more. Its 5:45AM and I have to go for run at 6:00AM anyway” “Oh I slept a little late last night and if I don’t get enough sleep I won’t be able to function at work today” “The weather is kinda cold” “I can go for a run in the evening anyway” “I will compensate for today and run twice the miles tomorrow” You think. And you rationalize. You sugarcoat your excuses with rationality and logic. It makes you feel good about yourself.?

It creates a fa?ade that it is somehow best not to do what you decided must be done. The internal dialogue is draining, time-consuming, and leads to inaction. How many times has it happened that you decided something and didn’t follow through? How many times did you rationalize your inactions and indecisions? Let’s say in an alternate reality, you made the decision (after a lot of thinking) and after that you stopped thinking. You wake up with the alarm at 5:45AM. You put your shoes on and get out of the house for the run. The end. Stop thinking and start doing. Cheers!.

Zahmoul El Mays

Attorney At Law at CIVIL COURT CASES

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