We First
Alison Bennett
Making travel, meetings and events perform. Helping businesses drive increased profitability by sustainable performance and improvement.
Black Box Partnerships advocates that we put ourselves and our families first, over everything else. Looking after your mental health and well being as well as always reaching out for team support is number one.? We are all about our people, which leads to prosperity.
This is just one of the six principles that underpins the culture at Black Box. https://blackboxpartnerships.co.uk/our-principles/
"We first" resonates with me on a number of levels (and I am sure so many people reading this will resonate as well). I recently made the decision to change my work life to make sure I was more present for my family. However, I also knew that I wanted to focus on my own self care as well. Knowing that Black Box Partnerships not only shared but also supported this approach, was a key driver for me joining as an associate.
To ensure the team are fully supported and can live and breath the the core Black Box principles- all new associates complete a two-day mental health first aider course. Produced by MHFA England? and expertly delivered by Gavin Percy .
What a fantastic opportunity! I strongly believe that we need to do more in the workplace (and life in general) to talk about mental health and normalise what people are going through.
Did you know that at any given time 1 in 6 working-age adults have symptoms associated with poor mental health?
1 in 4 people experience poor mental health every year.
Poor mental health is responsible for 72 Million working days lost and can cost UK employers £45 Billion each year.
I urge everyone to think about their own self care, if you don't know where to start - take a look here: https://actionforhappiness.org/
Amazing that you are also a MHFA England? first aider Alison and this absolutely aligns with our core principles ?? and focus on “We First” ????