We Find Each other
Neuro Typicals will usually brush off ADHD as a real diagnosis by saying,” Arent we all a bit ADD?”
The answer is, “No we are not.”
But what I have discovered is that my circle is full of Neuro Diverse people.? When I meet a new person and I instantly click with them, chances are that they are also neurodiverse or a Gemini, or Virgo, Cancer, or a fellow Pisces. All jokes aside, Neurodivergent people are drawn to each other. Neurodivergent people are even more likely to go into certain fields. According to the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics at the National Cancer Institute, Neurodivergent conditions, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD)4 are overrepresented in STEM fields.
From my experience of working in Fashion
With that said, ADHD is not a monolithic disorder. It can appear differently in different people. The Three types of ADHD are:?
Some people will present as fidgeting, needing to keep their hands, or their body busy. I'm reminded of a man I met in the airport who kept doing this swerve movement. Then he had a call with his wife. Then he turned to me and asked if I was waiting for a certain flight. I had been officially diagnosed for 2 weeks at the time, and I decided to ask him, “Are you Nuro Divergent? (This is not the most recommended way of doing this) He said, “Why do you ask? Because I keep moving?” I said, “ Yes that and the phone call with your wife sounded like a conversation that I would have. Not being able to call something by its name, but being able to explain enough for your person to understand.”? He then said,” My wife keeps telling me that I am, but I have been able to make it this long, I might as well just keep going.”
Some folks will be overly productive. They will take on more and more, but by the time they get home or have time to themselves they are depleted. They will give and give, but they won't be able to do “simple tasks.” On a Podcast I was listening to called Women & ADHD podcast, the guest was a CEO, motivational speaker, etc., but she couldn't remember to take the teacup off of her dresser at night. It had molded over.?
I have been diagnosed with the inattentive type. My mind is always running. It ping-pongs from subject to subject, but there is always some sort of connection. By the time I speak it out loud, people are usually thrown off. I will be having a full conversation in my head, then I will say something that appears to be random, but in reality, I am just externally processing my thoughts
Whatever the type, we find each other. We connect based on our shared empathy, the need to externally process, and sharing our passions. Sometimes we just need to talk to someone. We reach out for connection in a world where we are constantly being misunderstood. We find our Kindred spirits and hold on tight.?
Sure we have our faults but our strengths move this society forward
If you believe you may have ADHD and have gone undiagnosed, please speak with your medical professional. Please also utilize the resources below.
Web Resources?
ADHD screening Guide
Find a psychiatrist:
Sources fo the Article:?