We are Family..............
How recently has someone actually invited you to be a part of something?
It might be as simple as being asked to sit on a committee (we often shudder at the thought don't we?) - or, perhaps you have been asked to contribute to an event in which other like minded businesses and people will be participating.
As part of my involvement with a local business networking committee (I said "yes"), over the past week I have spent some time visiting other businesses and restaurants, seeking their involvement in the Perth Comedy Festival which will attract thousands of comedy lovers to Subiaco over a period of approximately 3 weeks. We are encouraging small and larger businesses to decorate their shop fronts - or in the case of cafes, restaurants and bars to offer "dining deals" to visiting patrons.
What I have found in visiting these businesses, introducing myself to them and spreading our concept is just how happy many of them have been to have been asked to join in what is going to be a fantastic community event across all demographics!
Times are "tough" and as small business owners and operators it can often feel as though we are isolated, even forgotten.
By engaging with our larger communities it really is a "win-win" situation for all.
We are "social animals" after all and the joy of recognition and being a part of a "family" is something we seek.
Sometimes, WE need to be the "instigators of inclusion".
Remember, nobody really cares how much you know-until they know how much you care!