We Exist to Serve
I occasionally have the opportunity to speak to school kids about the Town and the importance of local government. It is always a fun talk, and usually requires boiling down what we do to the most basic level. After a recent talk, I began to think about not just what we do, but why we do it. The why is simple; it is our job. We exist to serve.
This is why servant leadership and our core values should be at the heart of everything we do, including exceptional customer service.
These principles allow us to go the extra mile (even when inconvenient), see the customer as a person, not a problem, and allows us to solve issues efficiently, consistently, and fairly.
Our guiding principles also allow flexibility. Often, bureaucracies become organizations of “no” and hide behind policies and procedures when it comes to dealing with customer issues. While these exist for a reason, I believe there is flexibility, which allows us to work creatively and innovatively with customers to achieve satisfactory results that are both safe and legal.
Keeping a philosophy of servant leadership in combination with our core values allows us to be patient, tolerant, and respectful, even when the situation (or the customer) is difficult. It also means that we provide excellent and exceptional customer service if we have to deal with the same issue (or the same customer) over and over again.
It means delivering an exceptional experience that sets us apart and leaves a positive impression with those we serve.