We Each are Being Who We Each Allow Ourselves TO Be! "Period...."

We Each are Being Who We Each Allow Ourselves TO Be! "Period...."

Sadness and sickness, violence and hatred, forgetting their very own forgiveness, calling themselves of God, yet only truly knowing the thoughts and ways of man, forgetting God’s ways are not those of man’s ways, nor our His thoughts those of man’s.

Taught hatred and inability to forgive, even though they declare their own sins has been forgiven.

Even though the times and technology has changed.

“GOD HAS NOT!” “Nor shall He Ever!” “Period….”

The Holy Spirit of Almighty God prays for each individual, strengthens each individual, guides and leads, teaching each individual who truly is His Own! “Period….”

God has sent His helper, Himself in Spirit, His Spirit which is everywhere and there is not one place He is not! Even allowing His Own, to not only see Him everywhere and in everything, but remembering not the wrongs and sins of other any longer, but remembering their very own forgiveness, Salvation and acceptances into Jesus’ reconciliation back into the Father.

Mankind has been taught by mankind how to preach and how to minister to mankind!

Yet their schools have become inhabited with their own opinions, ways, and thoughts; surly no longer through the anointing of God. “Period….”

They have pick for themselves those to preach and minister to them, no longer as anointed by God; but as taught by man! Tickling their ears! In false doctrines and fantasies of their very own illusion’s of “For the greater good!” While removing God, His Word completely out of their own daily lives and activities “On Purpose,” while teaching others their ways, of ANTI against God Himself.

“Yet there remains faithful in Christ Jesus! Anointed by God’s Holy Spirit!” Upon this earth, because God remains within them, truly.

“These you are anointed and taught by God’s Spirit anointing only within them!”

Not Allowing the weaknesses of mankind and man’s ways and thoughts to be added to the gospel’s teachings! Nor placing their own educations which have been processed and taught by that of man, over that of God!

They remain neither proud and the boastful, nor built up in themselves, because of their achievements of learning; they are tried and even praised for their accomplishments and for their awards not given by man and the schooling institutes of the greater teaching and learning of man’s educated learnings of who God is and how God performs and operates!

“Yes, Surly God’s still has a remnant, upon this earth.”

Who can teach God, who knows His thoughts, who can question His ways and add to or remove anything from them?

“Yet has many not done such?”

“Yes, Surly!” “yet, not one of their changes, taking away nor adding to had the littlest affect against God, nor His Own taught by His Spirit.”

“Today man’s teachings on how to be and perform and act; are the very acceptances of so many preachers who have become such by man’s standards!”

“They, themselves Whitewash everything, they have the paperwork of man to prove their own abilities of authority given by man to teach others! They do not have the authority of God, His Holy Spirit, to override God’s Anointing.” “Period….”

They are weakened and they are taught to weaken down and to do nothing when evil men come against them; when evil governments shut them down, to fear man and this life’s offerings; to live for the greater good of the ones who desire to remain in and to press forth their own agendas of evilness!

They do so by soft preaching, justifying what they are doing by doing what they have been taught by man to be the right thing, and doing the right thing, for the very greater good for mankind!

Believing if they so do so, they will gather in greater amounts of people to minister to! To seemingly falsely and even within fantasies, making it seem as though they have proven God corruptible, yet, God remains the only true uncorrectable God.

Forsaking the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the anointing in God’s Word made flesh and the Truth of Jesus’ Way, Truth, and His Life!

They believe placing time frames upon God’s Holy Spirit anointing and filling their man-made buildings with people to hear their speeches is of greater value to the people then God’s Holy Spirit! They have become limitations of God, for a false acceptance through their own teachings, and learnings now provided widely within their own forgetfulness of who God is. Yet never entering into where God is, nor knowing God at all!

Even declaring they do not hear from God and if others do, people need to question them! (Trickery)

They have turned their houses into houses of worshiping them and their ways and teachings over that of God’s anointing! Even calling their houses their own, over that of God’s! Because truly they have left God out!

Believing their travels to each other’s houses to be their bread and wine! Yet only traveling here and there to be praised by each other teaching for all others to look up to them and reward them with praises and offerings to not further God’s kingdom but their own!

They have forgotten one major Spirit in their teachings and learnings!

“The Holy Spirit of Almighty God!” “Period….” “Just as it had been written!” “By God, For God, and through God!”

Because those who have taught them also removed the anointing of God and the seeking God’s anointing and teaching of Himself through His Word which He Himself has placed upon the hearts and written upon the souls of all mankind!

“Yet, not one has even the authority nor power of removing God out of themselves.” “Period….”

“For wherever one is, there remains God within them.” “Period….”

Exchanging the “All-Powerful Word of God’s Anointed Power” within their ministries and their peaching! Teaching others their ways and will over that of God’s!

They have gained much, in this world in this life, many even gaining all they and their children and their children’s children will ever need or desire in this life!

They have become so wise within themselves, that as God’s Word declares they have become wise that they truly have become fools themselves!

Blind leading others to become blinded by their teachings! They stand in the places of leadership and they minister and preach their own wisdom offering the very same things satan himself offered Jesus, God’s Word made flesh and sent into the world!

Jesus’, replies to satan then, “man “shall” not live by bread alone, but by every Word ever spoken out of the mouth of God! “Period….”

They teach and lead that everything will be okay, just keep spending 10 or 15 maybe, maybe 30 minutes a day seeking God in your closets and in your still places!

Never teaching the Truth of the Power of God located and abilities to be found only in God’s Word where He is and where God’s Word, Jesus died in order for each individual to reach God’s Holy Spirit who “shall” teach them of the true Almighty Power of God within each individual.

“If they will but repent and turn away from the very ways of this world. Where God’s own Word declares that His Power is so mighty and revealing to those who diligently seek after Him and none other; for those who follow after none other but God IN His Word, Jesus Christ!

Not allowing man nor any other to teach them, but allowing God’s Spirit to be their Teacher!

Yet so many stand ministering and preaching in their own kingdoms they have built and been given by their own desires and lusts of accepting the abominations unto God, within their wise wisdom of their own teachings and of their own being taught by man!

They now are everywhere; Just as Jesus said they would be, there is such a weakened ministry not God’s at all nor whatsoever!

But that of man’s!

Yet hundreds and thousands gather together to listen to and be taught and lead by those who openly state falsehoods and soft-spoken messages of, “everything is going to be alright!”

The Word of God says just the opposite concerning this life and this world!

Why does so many not even know what is going on in these days and this season?

Because they themselves have become lovers of this world and themselves over lovers of God!

They walk around saying they want God, not on nor in God’s ways and leadership, but in their own desires and timing of being sometime children of God!

Believing and being taught that because they themselves rejected the teachings of and were taught to reject the anointing Words and Prayers of their own human mother and father, that they can reject God as well and that because their earthly mothers and fathers gave in to their desires abominations in order to have them stay around them for even a short time frame here on earth!

Exchanging their own children’s forevermore with them; they listened to the ways of man and the teachings of man and the taught by man, over their own seeking for themselves the continued anointing and All-Powerful Word of God!

As surely as “shall” every blessing be given and installed within each individual who will follow, seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness!

“Shall” every Woe, of God be upon the fools of their own wisdom and teachings!

As well as, all those who follow after their teachings and ways!

Filling a man-made building with thousands every Sunday morning; listening to the weakest and observed preachers living off of his father’s anointing which has never been passed on to the son, but the son so declares it has!

For if it has or had, the son’s actions would be anointed even greater than the fathers; and the works and processing of God’s Anointing would flow even greater! Not less, weak and teaching so many others to become weak in their believing! Teaching them to just go with the flow of things, “everything is going to be alright for you!”

For what is upon this earth and within the minds of the people upon this earth; in these United States and every nation around the entire world!

Is believes mislead and fooled, because they themselves no longer truly seek after God where He can be found and located! They exchanged their own seeking for the seeking the soft false weakened down ways of man’s teachings! Living within their very own taught ways of fantasy living.

Hear this Word Anointed by God, given and taught by His Holy Spirit, throughout all generations!

God is doing and “shall” do today as He has every day since time was created by Him!

God’s Word is where each individual is to seek after God and His Spirit, will teach each individual and lead them (through)! Everything of this world and this life!

To those who seek God, they “shall” find Him; He “Shall” do everything He said He will and would and nothing in this earth nor any man nor anything else in all creation will be able to harm not one!

Because salvation is for the spirit and soul of all mankind, with a new body awaiting each who repents truly and turns away from the ways and things of this world and this life!

Putting to death all else and becoming alive in the Son of God Himself, His Word made flesh!

God is speaking into the hearts and souls of all mankind; into you and into me!

God longs for us each individually to draw nearer to Him, accepting His anointing of His Spirit! Allowing His Spirit to anoint us each, to restore our own forgiveness In And through Him, His Word Jesus!

To never be ashamed of Him, His Word, His Love first after us each.

God is doing just what He said He would do in these latter days!

He is pouring His Spirit out as never before!

He created you and I for just such a time as this!

God longs and desires to restore within His body here on earth; His Word so powerfully within each individual who will, repent and turn away from everything in this world and this life.

“Working out one’s own Salvation, pressing towards Him right here and right now; forsaking all else, in exchanging not in part but fully at all times allowing God’s Spirit to be their very anointing power in us each, everywhere.” “Period….”

For you, and combining your faith in believing without doubting together within every gathering together in His Name! “On Purpose!”

“And those who reject Him, His Anointing Word, to shake the dust of evilness off of our shoes and continue on as and in His Light shining within us each, individually, and in our very own “Purpose!”

For surely God in and through His very Word “shall” be restored to each who “shall!”

Even into you performing the things which Jesus done and even greater!

For the whole earth and all of creation has awaited you and I in God’s manifestation of His anointing to bring His glory upon the earth!

Even truly desiring the salvation of one more into the kingdom of God!

Repent and turn away from all who long to tickle your ears!

For God is coming and Jesus did not bring peace, but a sword into this world, into you and I!

To bring about the dividing of all evilness and wickedness from all which is good and proper and righteous!

God picked you and God picked me!

To usher in His Glory upon this earth as it is in the heavens!

Shamelessly and allowing ourselves, to be, “It is no longer I who lives, but Christ Jesus, who lives within Me.” “Period….”



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