We don't just talk about footy and shit - can you help us, help more men?
I wanted to share something with you and maybe you can help us reach more men. We are aiming to make The Men's Table into a charity and really need your help. https://themenstable.org/
Last month, one man at a newly forming Table opened up and shared with us the pain he is feeling about a terrible situation at home. His depth of sadness was etched in his face, and the other men could feel the weight he has been carrying inside.
The room was still as he spoke, and the silence afforded to him, whilst uncomfortable, gave him an opportunity to release some of his burden.
Instead of holding back through fear and shame, his courage to 'go there' and share how he was really feeling helped open the door to the other men at the Table. Instead of all these men having to hold on to their stuff, the move he made built trust and safety for them to also have the benefit and power of opening up.
Maybe you can help us. https://startsomegood.com/the-mens-table