We Will Do Your Client Maintenance
I am an Independent Life Broker representing most Major Carriers for the past 45 years.
I trained over 125 Life Insurance recruits in my career when I was in management for Sun Life Financial for 25 years.. I saw most fail few succeed.
Whether they failed or succeeded they both had the same driving force find a new client.
Obsessed need a new client, need to do seminars to find new clients, need to build a web site to find new clients, need an automatic dialer to find new clients, need to to pay per click to get and find new clients you get the idea.
The point is if you are in the Financial Service or Life Insurance Industry you are worried where your next client is coming from..
In the past I'm sure you were taught to do annual reviews with your clients send them an anniversary and birthday card ask for referrals and such. But very few of us do that we are too busy finding our next client. Also we know our current clients so well we know they dont need anything else. Also I have not contacted them in years and I'm afraid to do so..etc etc etc..
So here is what Im proposing let my firm do your client maintenance. We will have a written agreement between each other that I receive a percentage of any new sale and I can not contact them if you decide to withdraw our agreement.
Any new sale would be a 50 50 split including referrals. You would provide us a list of 50 clients at a time for us to work on with their contact and personal information. Also a current up date of what products they have with you... If its life insurance we need an enforce ledger...
We know if you have 200 clients that you are not servicing you wont need to do anything else for marketing...
So if you are not serving your clients the way you should let us do it for you...
As Always All My Best...
Saul L. Appel CLU ChFC