We do well to remember that mankind is only one order of God's beings or creatures.
We do well to remember that mankind is only one order of God's beings or creatures.
So we wonder: How could the Infinite ever become finite?
And: How could the Limitless One deliberately impose limitations upon Himself?
In the Book of Hebrews, we learn to our amazement that God took not upon Him the nature of angels, but He took upon Him the seed of Abraham. We would suppose that God in stepping down would step down just as little as possible.
But instead, He came down to the lowest order and took upon Himself the nature of Abraham—the seed of Abraham.
I like what John Wesley said concerning this mysterious act of God in stooping down to tabernacle with us:
we should be sure to distinguish the act from the method by which the act is performed.
Do not reject a fact because we do not know how it was done, Wesley advised.
With the saints of all ages, we do well just to throw up our hands and confess: "Oh Lord, Thou knowest!"
The Word was made flesh . . . and dwelt among us.
John 1:14