We are diamonds taking shape

We are diamonds taking shape

Here's - We are diamonds taking shape.

And other posts/ true incidents.

Which you may wonder after knowing.

Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.

These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.

Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.

Love and light to you!

? ? ?

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21 February 2025

Don't Think That My Work Is For Me-

Any work of Pravin published in Social Media or any other place is not for the use of Pravin.

It has been shared only for you, only for the public for their reading, for their use.

Tomorrow these websites may be closed. Pravin may close his account.

Then you may not find these works. Hence the wise person is one who keeps its copy or who gets it printed.

Pravin doesn't need all these writings as he has already fulfilled the aim of life.

Some of the writings of Pravin are based purely on his divine experience, hence it may not be available in any scripture.

All the writings of Pravin have been created only for you. It is up to you, how you keep it preserved for your use.

Pravin doesn't want any popularity or reward from all these writings as he thinks they have been created by the blessings of beloved Krishna.

Hence praise the lord only.

Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

2 February 2024

We are diamonds taking shape

*Everyone is a diamond!

Taking shape!

In the hands!

Of most skilled jeweller!

Of this universe!

Who is Almighty Himself!

*You should not have!

Even a slightest doubt!

On this truth!

*Good work gives reward!

Bad work gives punishment!

Entire system is automated!

Every act needs to be neutralized!

*And once we take the shape!

We become eligible!

To live in the abode of Almighty!

Permanently forever!

Where no pain can touch you!

*This is possible!

Only when you are alive!

Not after the death!

*To know this truth!

This is the aim of your birth!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


21 January 2024

Value of Divine Knowledge

*Don't impart divine knowledge!

Without asking by anyone!

*If anyone is very keen to know!

If anyone is very deserving!

Only then give divine knowledge!

Else you will not have any value!

*Heere ki kadra Johri hi Janta hai!

Only jeweler knows value of diamond!

Its meaning in English-

Only wise knows value of knowledge!

Fool doesn't know value of knowledge!

*Sri Krishna has told in Gita!

Don't tell divine knowledge to everyone!

Tell this knowledge only to person!

Who comes to you with surrender!

Who understands value of knowledge!

Who is polite, humble and wise!

Only such person can grasp it!

*A person who indulges in debate!

Who doesn't ask for it!

Who shows his knowledge to you!

Who doesn't value divine knowledge!

He doesn't deserve for it!

*If anyone throws away his knowledge!

If he comes as an ignorant!

He doesn't show his knowledge!

He keeps silent in front of you!

He doesn't speak in between!

He deserves for divine knowledge!

*Jai Sri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


17 November 2023

Churning out gems from ocean of life

*Don't consider life ordinary!

Life is very very special!

Kohinoor diamond gifted to you!

Even it is more than that!

*You know!

Ocean is full of gems!

But ocean of life!

You may get more gems than ocean!

*In normal ocean!

Gems may disappear one day!

Then only ocean will be left!

Then no gems will be found!

*But the Ocean of life!

It's such an ocean!

At last no ocean will be left!

Only gems will be left!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


7 June 2023

You are all pervading

*You are Chidakash!

You are infinite Chinmay Sky!

You are invisible Chaitanya!

You are Sat Chit Anand!

You are True Consciousness!

You are everywhere like air!

You are without a break!

*Same is the case with me!

Same is the case with you!

*You are solid like diamond!

You can't be broken!

You can't be burnt!

You can't be cut!

You can't be dried!

You can't be destroyed!

*You are unique!

You are invisible!

You are infinite!

You are indivisible!

*You are the Self, Atma!

You are Supreme Soul!

You are Supreme Self!

*You are the screen!

World movie being played on you!

*You are only alive!

World movie is dead!

It seems to be alive!

Due to you only!

*Like in movie!

Every thing is static!

But it seems to be running!

Due to projector!

*In the same way!

Every one is static!

But it seems to be running!

Due to Chitt!

On the screen of Self!

*Chitt acts like projector!

Of this unique world movie!

*When Chitt becomes static!

Then world movie is finished!

*Then you know yourself!

You are not the body!

You are Atma, Soul, Self!

*Every religion!

Every worship!

Every meditation!

Every Yoga!

Only for this purpose!

To make Chitt static!

*When Chitt becomes static!

Like static water!

Then you see your true image!

Then you know!

You are Atma, not a body!

*There is no English word for Chitt!

It can be called subtle mind!

*When subtle mind becomes static!

When you become very Gambhir!

When you become very serious!

Like your some beloved is dead!

Then Chitt becomes static!

Then you know yourself!

You are not a body!

You are Chaitanya Atma!

*Purpose of birth of everyone!

To experience this truth!

While living alive!

This is called Self-realization!

This is called liberation, moksh!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

3 February 2023

Sun-shine is Quality of Sun

*Like shine is quality of sun!

Like diamonds shine!

*In the same way!

Shining is quality of Atma!

World is the shining of Atma!

*Like sky seems to be blue!

Like we see mirage in desert!

Like we see the dream!

*In the same way!

Atma seeing this world!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


13 Dec 2022

Fill me with gratitude

*O My Beloved Lord Sri Krishna!

Fill me with gratitude!

With full contentment!

Without any expectation!

*Since every thing!

You have already blessed!

*When you are here!

Why should I expect?

*When you are available!

Why should I run after!

Persons and things!

*Since you are!

Most precious diamond!

In entire universe!

And also out of universe!

*They are fools!

Who run after!

Other people, things!

Leaving yourself!

*If we get yourself!

We get everything!


9 July 2021

O My Beloved Krishna!

O My Loving Almighty!

I don't want any other things!

I only want to make my mind pure!

Like shining gold or glittering diamond!

No bad thought should enter in me!

O My merciful Krishna!

Make my heart and mind!

As pure as water of Ganga!

Even if bad things enter in Ganga!

But it makes them holy like Ganga!

Since you can always change!

From impossible to possible!

And always accept!

My infinite love, thanks and Pranam!

At your lotus feet!


9 FEB 2021

I have troubled Krishna many times

I have troubled my Krishna!

Again and again many times!

He is such kind!

He came again and again!

For my help!

As He is my life!

He is such merciful!

He never minded!

To visit for the help!

Of tiny jiva like me!

Some times!

I became angry on Him!

Due to my ignorance!

But those things which!

I considered as thorns!

Always proved fragrant roses!

He is such beloved!

He is such beautiful!

No one can describe!

His compassion! His love!

Those who love!

Anyone else!

Anything else!

They purchase!

Useless glass pieces!

By paying Kohinoor diamond!


10 Nov 2020

You are not such fool

If you have diamonds showroom!

If very beautiful, attractive lady!

She comes to your shop!

You will not give the diamond to her!

Free of cost!

You are not such fool!

No one is such fool!

Your divine experience!

It is more precious than diamonds!

Maya bahut Thagini!

Means attractions of this world!

They are very cheater!

They are just illusion!

You should not be cheated by them!


You are not, job is unfit!

If you are unemployed!

If you are jobless!

If you are underemployed!

If you are rejected for a job!

Never be disappointed!

Never be disheartened!

You are not, job is unfit for you!

You are not rejected for job!

Job is rejected for you!

Never be disappointed!

Recognise your worth!

You are diamond!

Diamond has to be studded!

At befitting place!

Place may not be suitable for you!

But you have to find it!

You have to recognise your worth!

Universe is too vast!

You can be fitted at suitable place!

No work is big or small!

Even with small work!

You can shine yourself!

Never forget!

Gold can glitter only when heated!

Rose gives fragrance!

After living with thorns only!

Recognise your worth!

Recognise yourself!

14 August 2021

Everyone in our group

*Everyone in our group is priceless, precious diamonds, Jewels.

Don't under estimate yourself.

Don't under estimate your worth.

You are the creator of destiny.

You are the creator of future generations.

*Accept my infinite love, thanks and Pranam!

*Happy 5th Anniversary of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group!

Pravin Agrawal


Spiritual India WhatsApp Group

8 October 2018

My all Connections are important :

People use to say that their some connections are very important, some are not important.

But this is not correct.

My all Connections are important. All have potential.

For me all Connections are valuable and equal and beloved.

Everyone in my connections is priceless, precious diamonds, Jewels.

Don't under estimate yourself.

Don't under estimate your worth.

You are the creator of destiny.

You are the creator of future generations.

? ? ?

About the Author

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.

You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

? ? ?

27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-


Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost all of my posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost all of my posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

? ? ?

Some Recent LinkedIn Posts of Pravin Agrawal

All More Than 1000 Likes-

My Nature Sets Right Everything-


Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-


Gems Of Yoga Vasistha To Know The Self-


People also ask : Who is Pravin Agrawal?-


How to be Enlightened as per Ashtavakra Gita-


Rules For Living In Your Family By Pravin Agrawal-


Family Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-


Some Important Linkedin Posts of Pravin Agrawal-


Miraculous Benefits of Hanuman Chalisa-


Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-


How to begin a spiritual journey?-


? ? ?

Something New On Death: Everyone Is Waiting To Die-


Something New On Death: What happens after death?-


Peace can't be achieved without divine-


The Most Secret Knowledge - Adhyatma Vidya-


You don't need to win the Nobel Peace Prize-


Your sins can not be washed by religious places-


Your Self-Realization is the greatest service to the world-


Gems Of Ashtavakra Gita To Know The Self-


Powerful Ganesh mantras to get you through tough times-


Miraculous benefits of 5 powerful Shiva Mantras-


Secret of Yoga By Pravin Agrawal-


28 Punishments for OUR SINS - GARUDA PURANA-




Historical Proof that Lord Shiva Reside in Kailash-


Miraculous benefits of Shiva Tandava Stotram-


Rudra Gayatri Mantra Meaning, Advance Benefits and Power-


Daridraya Dahana Shiva Stotram for Wealth & Employment-


Don't forget these 10 things when placing your Ganesha at home or office-


23 Shocking Secrets of Black Magic-


English Meaning and Translation of 16 Kabir Ke Dohe!-


If your wife has these 4 qualities consider yourself lucky!-


Gems Of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra To Know The Self Part 2-


How to be Enlightened as per Ashtavakra Gita Part 4-


True Incidents About Bhagavad Gita-




25 Astrological Tips For Getting Pregnant-


Why is Gayatri Mantra the most powerful hymn? Find out-


Kanakadhara Stotra : Meaning, Advance Benefits and Power-


Nine Rare Siddhis : Secret Yoga-


Nine Ayurveda Tips for Weight Loss-


Know These 9 Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water With Turmeric In The Morning-


How to pass a very difficult time?-


Liberation- Not After the Death-


Mars - Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-


Most Popular Shlokas From Bhagavad Gita With Meanings-


Rules for best benefits from Bhagavad Gita-


7 Surprising Things You Didn’t Know About Ganesh-


Slideshows / Blogs on Bhagavad Gita-


Bhagavad Gita: 25 of Most Easy Techniques to know Almighty Pt 2-


Quotes on Man and Woman By Pravin Agrawal-


Science Of God For New Thoughts-


Hanuman Chalisa With Meaning in English-


51 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening-


Shocking facts about Lord Ganesha no one knows-


Srimad Bhagavad Gita first chapter with its glories-


Srimad Bhagavad Gita second chapter with its glories-


Miraculous benefits of Ganesha mantra-


Be Roman In The Rome-


Bhagavad Gita: 25 of Most Easy Techniques to know Almighty Pt 3-


25 Mind-blowing facts about Goddess Durga-


Bajrang Baan-


Bhagavad Gita First & Last Shloka and Message-


25 Mind-blowing facts about Bhagavad Gita-


? ? ?

Pravin Agrawal`s True Incidents Linkedin-


Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-


More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-


List 2 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-


? ? ?


Manager - RM-PMS

1 年

Hare Krishna ??

Sarvesh Gupta

retail and wholesale cloth shop with good communication skills.

1 年

Radhe Krishna

Sanat Das

Operation Manager

1 年

Hare Krishna ????????


Senior Account Manager

1 年

Jai shri Krishna

Rajiv Wagh

CEO & Founder - India Hospitality at India Hospitality

1 年

???????????? ?? ?????? ???????????????? ???????????? ?? ?????? ???????????????? ???????????? ?? ?????? ???????????????? ???????????? ?? ?????? ???????????????? ???????????? ?? ?????? ???????????????? Jai Shri Hanumanji ?????? Jai Shri Krishna ??????



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