Tell us a little about yourself.?Where are you originally from??What are you studying at ANU?
- Obviously, my name is Josie Bates! I am from Singleton, NSW a regional town in the Hunter Valley. I am a Third-year student currently studying a Bachelor of Engineering and a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Aerospace systems and Economics.?
How long have your lived at Johns and what do you enjoy most about the residential community?
- I am currently in my third year at Johns College, and living on campus has been incredibly convenient, especially in terms of being close to my classes. However, what I find truly special about this residential community is the sense of belonging it provides, especially for those who have recently moved to Canberra. There is always something exciting happening here, whether it be sporting events, art exhibitions, social mixers, or even just the casual conversations you have on a daily basis. I love the opportunity to meet people from various year levels and disciplines, which has been an enriching experience.
You were unanimously elected as the 2023 RA President - what excites you about this role?
- As the RA President, my primary focus is to contribute and give back to the community. Being an elected position, it is essential to represent the interests of all residents in the college. This involves various aspects such as diversifying our traditional events, the RA's role in the community, and taking on ideas from all residents. Additionally, I am also involved in the college's direction, which involves collaborating with the board and staff members and has been a fascinating experience.
What are the top 3 things that you hope to achieve in 2023 either in your role at RA President or in your academic studies or personally?
- Diversifying what the RA contributes to the J23 community.?
- I hope to introduce more scholarship opportunities for residents.?
- Personally, I would love to travel this year. Specifically, to see my sister who is currently living and working in London!?
What do you believe is the best thing about John XXIII College?
- What I love the most about J23 is its small and intimate size. This feature allows for a strong sense of community, and I enjoy getting to know most of the residents personally.