We cure allergy without problems
Friends! In a conversation with many allergy sufferers, I learned that they have come to terms with their illness because they are sure: #Allergycannotbecured. Yes, the science of allergology says so. But the history of mankind denies such a statement. Repeatedly re-emerging diseases in the history of mankind were considered incurable. For example, this was the case with tuberculosis, cholera, smallpox, lues, and other diseases. However, over time, the real cause of these diseases was found out and the problem was solved. A similar situation is currently with allergy. The real cause of allergy is not yet known in allergology!
According to my 48-year observations, the real cause of allergy in people at the beginning of the 21st century is undiagnosed and neglected #HumanDemodecosis! Details in publications, social networks, articles, on the website www.allergy.kz, etc.
I am open to dialogue with friends and subscribers. For communication: vatsapp, vibeber, telegram +77013413873, [email protected] Registration for recovery from allergy from October 20 continues.
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