We cover our spirit under our body, our light under a bushel;
Anushly Sithamparam
Global Executive & Life Coach | Org & Relationship Systems Team Coach | Coach SuperVisor | Mentor Coach | DEIB Change Catalyst & Social Activist for UN Sustainability | Systemic Solution Consultant| ICF/EMCC
The life one recognizes is only the mortal aspect of life. Very few have ever seen or been conscious of the immortal aspect at all. Once one has realized life, that which one has hitherto called life is found to be only a glimpse or shadow of the real life that is beyond comprehension.
To understand it one will have to raise one's light high from under the cover that is hiding it like a bushel. This cover is man's mind and body; it is a cover that keeps the light active on the world of things and beings. 'Do not keep your light under a bushel' means that we are not to keep the consciousness absorbed in the study of the external world, and in its pleasures and enjoyments.
We cover our spirit under our body. We cover our light under a bushel. We never allow the spirit to become conscious of itself. ... when the soul is illuminated it will desire to find some other soul illuminated in like manner, and will find great joy and bliss in its society. Such a one will surely find others who are on the verge of illumination. Even a drunkard will find others to drink with. And so it is mystically. A very little light can be turned into a flame, and that flame into a very big flame.
Why is it better to become a mystic than to remain a drunkard? As a matter of fact a drunkard will never be satisfied. The mystic will look for what Omar Khayyam calls wine, the wine of the Christ, after drinking which no one will ever thirst. He will always seek the wine whose intoxication never wears off. It is the only wine: the intoxication of the divine love.
Can you Listen to this Music and still feel the Divine Love without Lyrics?
According to the belief of a Sufi the heart is the shrine of God, and when the doors of the shrine are closed it is just like a light being hidden under a bushel... God is Love. If He is love He does not stay in the heavens. His earthly body is the heart of man.
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When I became pregnant and gave birth to my children, this spiritual awareness and divine love revealed itself to me. Before, I had only felt something similar occasionally when contemplating the sea, when observing and listening to the rain falling on the leaves or when lying on the grass under a tree. I feel that as my soul shines I attract situations and people in the same vibration, however this shine is not a constant state of being, as I still feel the need to feed an ego.