Will we continue to LO$E? 
Or is it time to make a CHANGE
And start learning how to 
Make Money On PURPO$E!

Will we continue to LO$E? Or is it time to make a CHANGE And start learning how to Make Money On PURPO$E!

  We as Americans have been subject to a number of Challenges, especially in the past 50 years. In the majority of these cases, we had no control and had to deal with the results of ALL the Bad Choices our Elected Leaders have made. This put the common citizen i a No-Win position, where so many of them failed to challenge their Leaders Decision Making. This caused so much harm to so many. That made a Profound Financial Impact on their families and their communities nationwide. 

   Let`s take a brief journey back through some of those crises, starting with Gas Crisis in the 1970`s. During the Mid 70`s, there were reports of gas shortages which led to historically long lines of people waiting in their cars for hours, just to buy gas. Prior to the crisis, gas prices were at all-time high of 37 cents! Overnight prices were pushed up to 98 cents then to $1.20 just shortly after that. Now fast forward to 2011 where prices were reported from the west coast at $4.50 per gallon! Food prices and the cost of living has Skyrocketed,leaving the Middle Class and the Poor working twice as hard in their attempt to get ahead.   

     A certain Power Group in our country, continues to hang on to past technologies using dirty fuels which feeds our addiction to coal and gas. This Group refuses to see how other countries are taking advantage of Alternative, Clean Energy. They also deny the downside of the effects on our environment, both in the short and long term.

    Now Abnormal Climate Change is the result of years of neglect to mother earth. We are currently eyewitnesses to weather conditions that we have never seen before, or at least in the past 100 years. We now see Huge back to back Hurricanes creating Major Storm Systems, Earthquakes, and Forest Fires. This is due to the shift in Northern and Southern weather patterns. This has also affected the change of the seasons from Fall to Winter right before our eyes! Lives are changed in the blink of an eye ........ homes are gone, memories are gone, lives, hopes and dreams are all gone. Now a much more Damaging Crisis lies just below the surface of the Unstable Economic State of our country. This crisis is slowly and steadily unfolding right in front of us, and it is attacking the Middle Class. This crisis will change the landscape of Middle Class Families forever!

    Hard working Americans have been saving and sacrificing for their Retirement Income while they work, in hopes of s much better lifestyle, once their Jobs, Careers, and FULL-TIME PAYCHECKS come to an end. Many Recent Retirees, find themselves retiring and then returning to work within 30 days, some part-time and some full-time.

    So now, let`s take a look at the last 12 months alone, in regards to Stock Market Activity and it`s effect on our Financial Futures. First, please allow us to set up the picture that most of us were never shown by our financial advisors or our employer. Did you know that your Qualified Retirement Plan IS NOT a real savings plan at all? It is actually an INVESTMENT PLAN that is subject to HEAVY TAXATION, FEES, & UNLIMITED STOCK MARKET LOSSES! The Market has experienced 105 LOSSES to date! (Including a 799.36 POINT LOSS yesterday December 4, 2018!) We are sure that many of those over 40 years of age have been advised by their financial advisor to just hold on ... this will pass, things will get better. Those under 30 have been told this will pass, as well as, you`re still young, you plenty of time to make up ALL these LOSSES! In reality, you will NEVER be able to make up these losses (Because it is Mathematically IMPOSSIBLE!) In both cases, the Advisors are Racking Up and COLLECTING FEES on Your Dime!!

    We were never told about the fact that employers benefit FAR MORE from these plans than the employees ever will. We have learned that even when an employer provides you with a Matching Contribution; the employer can Write-Off the Contribution as a Donation, while you in fact, get stuck PAYING the taxes on those "Donations" as well as the Taxes, Penalties, Interest, and FEES on the Gains, Losses & Drops that occur in the Market and Your Account. Furthermore, your employer can earn an Annual Revenue Sharing Bonus from your Plan Provider/Investment Company, just for offering the plan! (401k, 403b, ERS, FERS, IRA & TSP) This Bonus Check is paid to your employer EVERY 12 MONTHS, and it is based on the Total Account Balanceof your Employer`s Plan! (Yes, let that Sink In for a moment!) Yes that`s right, if you are currently participating in a Retirement Plan, YOU are Financially Responsible for paying Taxes and Fees on ALL of the 105 LOSSES or Drops that have happened in the Stock Market in 2018! You are also responsible for the Interest, Penalties, and Taxes on your Employer`s Matching Contribution that you Accept and receive into your account. Please keep in mind, that as long you participate through these current retirement plans, YOU are responsible for ALL of the Taxes, Interest, Penalties, Capital Gains & LOSSES that cover your ENTIRE 20, 30, 40 or even 50 YEAR CONTRIBUTION PERIOD!   

Just image the facts are clear ,with over 115 losses in the last 8 months alone in 2018 and 20 loses and counting in 2019! The Middle Class lost millions in 2018 you have the opportunity why there no way their loses will be recouped.

    We have been Brainwashed by employers to think that our 401k or similar plans are Savings plans, but as we stated earlier, these plans are merely INVESTMENT PLANS. Please do not take our word for it; you can refer to the articles written on this matter by TIME Magazine (Why It`s Time To Retire The 401k) and 

Forbes Magazine (The Retirement Crisis Facing African Americans) expressing their concern for the Middle Class. That leads us to this question; If you could look into the future and see the outcome of your Financial Life if you stick to your current course of action, would you take a peak? Or, would you continue in this madness and and remain in this harmful state of denial?

    Let`s examine 3 cases where individuals took a look at the reality of the effects of the Numerous Stock Market Losses over the last 12 months. These 3 individuals applied the WEALTH-TE$T $ELF-TE$T which is a Proprietary Process and Property of CARLINDA WEALTH SOLUTIONS to arrive at their Personal Financial Results.

    Case 1) 63 Year Old Male. Contributed $500/Month for 33 Years, plus occasional contributions from bonuses. He contacted his Plan Provider to get his Cost Basis (His total Contribution Amount for the 33 Years = $210,000) and his CURRENT BALANCE (September 25, 2018 =$158,000). I cannot repeat the language this gentleman used when this Eye-Opening TRUTH hit him So Hard! After 33 Years of Consistent, Faithful Contributions and Blind Trust in The System, this gentleman LO$T $52,000! Yet, he is responsible for TAXES on $210,000!

    Case 2) 48 Year Old Female. She contacted her Plan Provider for her CURRENT BALANCE on October 15, 2018 (= $457,998) when she completed her WEALTH-TE$T $ELF-TE$T. She then contacted her Plan Provider on October 23, 2018 (During our first appointment) for her CURRENT BALANCE (= $406,990). After 27 Years of Consistent, Faithful Contributions, it only took her 8 DAYS!!! TO LOSE $51,008!!!!!!!

    Case 3) 54 Year Old Female. Called for her CURRENT BALANCE on November 8, 2018 (= $502,000). She called again on November 20, 2018 (= $400,000). As you can see in this case, after 29 Years of Consistent, Faithful Contributions, it took her ONLY 12 DAYS TO LOSE $101,600!!!!!!!

    The thing that CANNOT get lost here, is that ALL of these people plus MILLIONS of others, place their COMPLETE Faith, Hope, Trust and Belief for their Financial Futures in these Qualified Retirement/Investment Plans, and they TRULY Believe that they are going to be okay. When the TRUTH IS, that they have been LOSING MONEY over the ENTIRE Timeline of their Contribution Period (20-50 YEARS!!!!!!) It has been Heart-Breaking for us to meet Thousands of Seniors over the last decade or so, that have had Plan Contributions SACRIFICED from their Paychecks Every Week, 2 Weeks or Month for 3 or 4 DECADES, with the PROMISE of a Rich Retirement. Sadly they NEVER CHECKED their accounts, and TRUSTED the SYSTEM, only to find out just a Few Months before it was time for them to Retire, that they had been LIED TO for ALL those YEARS! 

       We as hard-working Americans, can continue to bury our heads in the sand and Fail our Families, especially Ourselves. We can stand by and watch YEARS of our hard work and sacrifices to contribute to our Retirement Income get picked apart by Taxes, Fees, and Stock Market LOSSES. Recently, I watched an actor portraying a minister in a scene from the new movie "Widows". I want to share a small portion of his sermon that gave me chills, because it is so relevant to what I see in people and hear from them daily when it comes to their Financial Lives. He said "There is an old saying that goes, what you don`t know can`t hurt you. That is a lie! Far too many people have fallen for that lie. This belief has led us into a state of ignorance. Ignorance is now accepted as Normal! People have Comfort and Joy in their State Of Ignorance. Which in turn has led many into a State Of Bliss. So for many people today. If your seeking the best alternative plan that will generate three time what your currently earn and by the way its Tax-Free.

This new Alternative Plan form an old strategy that has only been known and applied by a small Wealthy Group Of people, that benefits from all of the Gains in the Stock Market, but without the Excessive Taxation, Fees or Stock Market Losses! We accomplish all of this in a Tax-Free Environment, where your members will earn a Minimum Of 10.2%. That’s almost 3 Times more than ALL of the Qualified Retirement/Investment Plans have paid in the last 40 years $ alone. Just imagine that when the Stock Market makes money, all of Your Participants Make Money too, but when The Market Loses Money Your Members WILL NOT LOSE ONE PENNY!

Start now by click here complete the info page so key information and materials can sent to as part of the enlightenment phase. Then just click on Start Now located at the bottom of the original copy of this article page, this will take you into the first segment of the Enlightenment phase. Each segment is only 15 to 20 minutes long and by the completion of the 4th phase be ready to change your financial lives forever!!


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