If we compare what we ought to be, and could be, with what we are, and we don't see that we are in a rut and we are not concerned, then one of three t
. . If we compare what we ought to be, and could be, with what we are, and we don't see that we are in a rut and we are not concerned, then one of three things may be wrong. First, we may not be converted at all. . . .
Second, people may not be concerned about the rut because of sin they have committed.
Perhaps they have been regenerated but have sinned against light too often, so the light has become darkness. That often happens.
I don't say these people are lost, but I do say that they are in a terrible state.
Only the power and grace of God working within them can help. I think there are lots of people like that. They have been regenerated, but they have become busy with their real estate office or their store.
Many have said, "Well, I'd like to come to your church, Reverend, but I have to keep my store open seven days a week."
They cannot serve God because they do not have time to serve Him. They will have time to die, but they do not have time to serve God.
Therefore . . . let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith . . .
Hebrews 12:1,2