Are We COLD Yet?
??Andrea Accinelli ??
Creating beauty and elegance through thoughtful jewellery pieces. Affordable elegance.
Picture this: You are in a serene, calming room, attending a peaceful and gentle yoga class. There is a fireplace, salt lamps, blankets and bolsters. The yoga instructor has the most mellow and soothing voice that you could possibly imagine. She is positively doe-like. You come out of your savasana feeling dreamy and relaxed.
The next thing you know, you are wearing a bathing suit and walking outside through a snowy path, almost slipping on an icy patch, and, without thinking about it, hitting into a river that is so cold that your feet are burning instantly. The rest of your body feels like you must have walked into a meat locker. You thrash through the water, dunking your body into the icy realm up to your shoulders, and then thrash back to the snow-covered shore, where your friends are waiting for you with a towel. They walk you back up to the house, making sure you don't fall, and that your bitterly frozen feet will make it.
This was me last Friday morning. The general reaction from my facebook post about it was WHY? I understand what they are probably thinking - why the hell would you do something like this? Don't you know about hypothermia? Don't you know it's January in Canada???
Of course I know it's January. It's one of my favourite months of the year, and not just because it's my birthday month. I love the snowy grey afternoons, the early darkness, the blast of cold air on my face when I leave the house. Mostly though, I love the sense of renewal, new beginnings, the freshness of a new year.
There was a similar sense of renewal after this insane cold plunge. Even though I was only in the water for about ten seconds, it was rejuvenating. There was a rush of adrenaline that I haven't often felt. It was a small moment of agony, followed by an envelopment of warmth that was so gratifying I cannot find the words to describe it. Before I went outside I put three blankets on my bed, along with my fleece pyjamas, and my fluffy socks that my friend Julie gave me last Christmas. All this was ready, and after putting it all on and snuggling into bed, I was massively happy and comfortable. Yes, I was cold. I was cold for over two hours. But it was okay.
Turns out there's a multitude of health benefits for doing a cold plunge. You can read about them here: 14 Surprising Science-Backed Benefits of Cold Plunge Therapy | Signos
It's not for everybody. Make sure it is safe for you before you try it.
Sometimes I do things just to see if I can do them. I did almost chicken out at the last minute and no one would have thought less of me. I mean really, the air was -12 degrees Celsius. I don't know what the water temperature was, and I don't want to know. It is all part of my plan for change in 2024. The past few years have been awful. Enough is enough, and the time for changing it is now. If you are struggling in any way, and would like to hear what else I am doing to facilitate change, please text me at 416-735-3607. Don't call, I won't answer the phone if I don't recognise the number. I promise that cold water does not have to be involved!
Have a wonderful week and LOVE to all!
Videos of the infamous cold plunge: