'We choose to go to the Moon'
"We choose to go to the Moon"
These famous words from President John F Kennedy were a defining moment of the 20th Century. The moment when a leader was so ambitious and so driven that a commitment was made to go where no-one had gone before. From this speech, in September 1962 the Apollo programme was launched.
Fast forward 7 years, 10 missions and 19 billion dollars. 50 years ago today, on the 16th July 1969, 3 astronauts left earth on the most famous, awe-inspiring and challenging mission in human history.
Today we celebrate the vision, the commitment and the bravery shown to achieve this goal. More so, we celebrate the Knowledge, Passion, Perseverance and Innovation that would have been key to achieving what no-one else had been able to do before.
On the 6th of February 2019, I launched the Cooper Lomaz Apollo programme. This was fuelled by an ambition to change our business, to improve the way we work with our clients and candidates, and to stand out in a vanilla recruitment world.
You could argue that it pales in comparison to the original Apollo programme however, for us, we are embarking on some of the biggest challenges any business can take on. We know our journey is a challenging one and we know that there will be bumps along the way, but I believe in every one of our missions and I know we are on the right track. We will go to the Moon!
We are now 6 months into our Apollo programme and we have achieved great things already. Six missions have been launched so far and include:
· Apollo 1 – Health, Well-being & Charity
· Apollo 2 – Learning & Development
· Apollo 3 – Vision & Values
· Apollo 4 – 2019 Salary Survey
· Apollo 5 – Digital Marketing Manager Hire – Emma Crawford
· Apollo 6 – Online Expenses
We also have another 4 missions on the launch pad so the hard work continues. We know that to achieve this we must persevere, innovate and continue to strive for more.
We still have lots to do, lots to achieve and we all need to work together. Personally, I am very excited for the journey ahead, and channelling the inspiration of the Apollo 11 mission is a great reminder of what people can achieve.
Today, I think the launch of Apollo 11 shows what can be done when people put their mind to a common goal. I believe this resonates with the recruitment industry because it’s the combination of individual and team success that makes our jobs great.
Remember - Great People Achieve Great Things.