WE ARE CHINA : Ic?ne de soutien et de solidarité avec le peuple chinois créée par les fran?ais.

WE ARE CHINA : Ic?ne de soutien et de solidarité avec le peuple chinois créée par les fran?ais.

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Pierre - 皮埃尔 Mirochnikoff - 米罗氏尼科夫

Former Board of Directors French Chamber - CEO Asia Silk Road Group 前董事会法国商会 - 联合创始人兼董事长 亚洲丝绸之路第一集团一带一路 Chairman ASR MEDICAL GROUP 亚洲丝绸之路医疗集团董事长 Board member GOSG (Australia) 董事会成员GOSG Australia

5 年

Une beaute cette lettre je la reposte Merci Nicolas

Pierre - 皮埃尔 Mirochnikoff - 米罗氏尼科夫

Former Board of Directors French Chamber - CEO Asia Silk Road Group 前董事会法国商会 - 联合创始人兼董事长 亚洲丝绸之路第一集团一带一路 Chairman ASR MEDICAL GROUP 亚洲丝绸之路医疗集团董事长 Board member GOSG (Australia) 董事会成员GOSG Australia

5 年

Un peu moins de deux mois depuis le debut de cette immense tragédie les chiffres donnent raison au courage de tous les acteurs, unis sans "failles et sans reproches" pour lutter contre cette épidémie. Des quatres coins du monde les messages de soutiens, louent cette détermination cette volonté ce courage.? Le "Bashing" antichinois en pleine période électorale sert les intérêts de certaines puissances justifiant les actes répréhensibles durant ces deux dernières années de leur politique commerciale et étrangère quelle tristesse dans de telles circonstances de montrer un tel comportement Pathetique-?

Olivier Delécluse

Accélérer votre business en Chine 欧立威中法事务顾问致力于您的在法业务 oliweiconsulting.com

5 年

Tout à fait d'accord. Il est lamentable que certains?instrumentalisent de très mauvaise foi cette crise sanitaire dans le seul but de dénigrer les efforts de la Chine. Celle-ci ne prétend absolument pas tout faire parfaitement et fait clairement le maximum pour venir à bout de l'épidémie le plus rapidement possible. Bravo aux innombrables équipes médicales et autres pour leur dévouement impressionnant, notamment dans la province du Hubei et à Wuhan.?


Executive Search in China & worldwide | President Acropolis Associates | Recruitment in Europe, Asia, USA, Canada, South America | Cross-border investment | M&A | Acropolis Business Club | TOP3 China most connected

5 年

Translation in English (google !!). Response from the spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in France to certain irresponsible comments concerning the attitude of China in its fight against the coronavirus 2020/02/14 In recent times, the World Health Organization, many governments and many foreign experts have widely praised and supported the efforts of the Chinese government and people in their fight against the Covid-19 epidemic. But on the other hand, we also discovered gratuitous and malicious accusations. Some delighted with delight at the shortcomings and mistakes made by the Chinese authorities at the start of the epidemic, blaming them for the "totalitarian character of the Chinese regime". Quite frankly, who in the world could face an epidemic of such suddenness and claim to come to grips with relaxation? In dealing with Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the 2009 influenza A epidemic, the United States authorities have faced countless problems. However, no one then thought of imputing them to their political regime or to Capitalism. Others blame "the total and deliberate lack of transparency of the Chinese government in its communication on the epidemic" when it is exactly the opposite. Our Government’s interdepartmental coordination cell holds daily press briefings and reports to the Chinese people as to the international community, with the utmost transparency and rigor, the figures and the real-time evolution of the epidemic. These data cover all types of cases: confirmed infections, suspected cases, serious cases, recoveries, deaths and people placed in quarantine. If we consider that all this is "withholding information", what about the attitude of the American administration which waited three years after the end of the influenza A epidemic to admit having underestimated its gravity, and who got away with a pirouette citing a "statistical problem"? When the Chinese government investigates the failings of some officials, some still accuse it of looking for "scapegoats." Yes, investigations have been launched in several Chinese provinces into the failings of certain officials in the fight against the virus. Some are being prosecuted and others have already been dismissed. This illustrates the strong capacity of the Chinese socialist system to correct its mistakes. After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, fires in California or wildfires in Australia in 2019, who, among politicians or officials of these countries, was prosecuted or sacked? None of this disturbed the vacation of the American president, nor that of the Australian prime minister. Some criticize the Chinese government for "strengthening censorship". According to them, the closure - in compliance with the law - of Wechat accounts spreading rumors, amounts to signing the "social death warrant" of their owners. I remind you that on Facebook, in the last three quarters of last year alone, 5.4 billion accounts were deleted for spreading rumors. Does this mean that Facebook has issued 5.4 billion death sentences? Why is the same phenomenon described in the West as "fighting fake news" and "crushing free speech" when it occurs in China? The logic at work behind these absurdities is in fact very simple: it is the famous "double standard" which makes it possible to prohibit the Chinese from what the Westerners allow themselves. Certain problems of a technical nature in the West become political as soon as they concern China. No wonder. Basically, it is "Western egocentrism" that expresses itself. China has taken a few decades to complete the West’s development journey in a few centuries. Its middle class is today larger than the entire American population. Some find it difficult to accept the fact that a country impoverished and weakened in a century could have emerged, without borrowing the Western model. It bothers them and they don't digest it. Consequently, as soon as China faces difficulties, we see them leaping and trying to overwhelm it more with mephitic speeches. We have seen the blossoming of media titles such as: "China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia", "Coronavirus Made in China", "Yellow Alert" and "Yellow Peril", all amalgamating the epidemic, the China, the Chinese people, even the entire Asian community. If Westerners were victims of this type of humiliating speech, they would deem them contrary to law and morality. If they were targeting Africans or Arabs, they would be considered politically incorrect. But if they're targeting Chinese, then it's "freedom of expression." In some media, the reflex criticism of everything Chinese is bordering on paranoia. These so-called sinologists, immersed in their studies of China for decades without finally understanding anything about it, are pathetic. They are only interested in the "problems" of the country, hoping to find the slightest beginnings of the Chinese fiasco, instead of trying to think about the springs of its rapid emergence. So they keep going from error to error. They probably expect this great epidemic to bring down the CCP-led socialist China. By veiling their faces, these people deceive their public opinions with fariboles in which they themselves do not believe, all to the detriment of nations and peoples. Needless to say, the Government and the Chinese Communist Party are vigilant in the face of the outbreak of this epidemic. They reacted to it with all the seriousness that was required. In an ethic of responsibility, both vis-à-vis the Chinese and the international community, the most comprehensive and strict prevention and control measures have been taken, many of which are far more draconian than the requirements of the International Health Regulations (RSI) and WHO recommendations. In making strict control measures in Wuhan, a city of over 10 million people and in Hubei, a province of 59 million, we have made enormous sacrifices. Some say that these measures "violate human rights". But, sorry to remind you! You are the ones who benefit from the benefits of these measures! According to WHO figures, as of February 10, there were only 319 confirmed cases and only one death outside of China. Whereas in 2009, after the outbreak of the influenza A epidemic in the United States, the American government had not adopted any strict control and prevention measures for 6 months, so that the epidemic spread in 214 countries and regions, infecting more than 1.6 million people and causing more than 280,000 deaths. Without the immense sacrifice made by the Chinese people, the global epidemiological picture would be very different. We do not expect the Western media to praise us, but simply to treat us equally and without bias.

