We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein
Rodolfo Carpintier
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Over 90% of today businesses are original of the XXth Century. In some cases, their IT Department has been developing millions of lines of code with dozens of different vendors and system integrators. Any change affects legacy systems that have been in place for decades and are at the core of the company′s business model.
It seems this cannot be changed. Unfortunately, for these type of businesses, the vast majority fo the incumbents, the XXIst Century needs something else and the tradicional approach of growing another "spaghetti"system based on lines of code, will not make it.
Modern companies need:
- Solid systems that support a new business environment, offering a platforms that can cover all company wide requirements, old and new.
- Flexible systems that allow a company to redesign its very core business in months instead of years
- Rapid deployments systems that allow "trial and error" test of new business models at top speed and at low cost and are as good for simulation, management or supervision
- An environment of selfservice where our customers -a la Facebook, Google, Amazon...- fulfill 98% of what needs to be done and are thankful for it.
- The capability to interface with existing legacy systems that -at least for a while- will contains the core applications of the existing business.
?Is this possible? It is. When Alfonso Diez explained it to me I did not believe it. I had heard a lot about low cost platforms and rapid development systems that never fulfilled its promises, they all need coding, some a lot. I am now a converted believer UGROUND does not need coding. It seems like magic until you use it to create an environment that covers all 5 aspects -and some- listed above.
ROSE the platform of UGROUND allows you implement new ideas in days. Once you have dealt with the problems of legacy interfaces and old systems tragedies -something that can be done in a very short time- you are ready to go and can deliver new models on a weekly basis. I have seen customers deliver 30 new releases of their systems in a year.
No matter how good you are at planning and inventing, if your IT department cannot respond at the speed business demand, it is time for UGROUND.
For the IT departments is a blessing that allows them to be alined with the Management and give rapid support to the requirement of many departments at the same time.
Now the other question, does it scale? It does, in a manner that surprises users with response times and reliability beyond expectations with systems that can grow as you need them. ROSE can be adapted to different cultures and law requirements with great speed.
If you have different countries to serve, have a look at this solution.