We can't sit still!
Kathleen Tullie
Founder and CEO driving global social impact through strategic initiatives
This week I had the pleasure of meeting with The World Health Organization (WHO) and others to discuss and build actionable steps to reduce physical inactivity by 15% by 2030.
The most recent data shows that 23% of adults aged 18 and over were not active enough in 2010 (men 20% and women 27%) globally. Even more alarming is that 81% of adolescents aged 11-17 years were insufficiently physically active in 2010.
Sometimes our biggest societal problems are solved by the simplest solutions. In this case we just need to move. We know that when kids are given the opportunity to run and play, they will. With the support and backing of @Reebok?, adidas, BCBCMA, BCBSRI, CVSHealth, Toyota, The Boston Foundation, The Public Health Agency of Canada, ACE and many others we’ve been able to apply the power of moms, dads, parents, and community volunteers to schools all over the globe with Build Our Kids’ Success. A free grassroots program that gets kids moving as well as help them succeed in the classroom – it’s a win-win and so simple. I am very proud of Reebok’s belief of inspiring and empowering the everyday individual to be their own super hero and find their best self – socially, mentally and physically. We’ve said it before, the Sporting Goods Industry has created a culture of spectators and we need to reverse that and create a culture of participants, starting with our youth and including all!
Imagine the world if we all had 60 minutes a day of play. Let’s give every child the opportunity to live a long healthy life!
For more on the WHO facts on physical inactivity and the Global Action Plan for Physical Activity look below:
#mentalhealth #schools #play #collaboration #activekidsactiveminds #bemorehuman #sportdoeshavethepowertochangelives #reimagineeducation #fitness