We cannot be so easily dismissed
Overseer Betty Williams
Overseer at The Burning Bush Evangelistic Ministries
,After the assassination of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King (1968), there were many many riots. And with much indignation residents of Black communities tore up and burnt down business all over America. Confused in objective, many unwittingly barricaded their very own neighborhoods entrances, preventing white owners re entrance to open their establishments. Several of which never reopened.
But, for us this was a time of curfew, terror and unrest and a shaking, as the National Guard marched up and down the streets of Pittsburgh, Pa. wearing their grim authorized faces of patriotism.
And being what it was it seemed that all hope was lost to us because our leader had fallen, taking us with him. So from the quaint little balcony of the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis Tennessee to our Nations coast, the cries of weaponry could be heard.
Yet, as quickly as we went down, we regained our strength through the power of an Eternal King. It is then proper to say, that from that time until such a time as this, that which we have come to recognize is that what Dr. King had personified, simply cannot be so easily dismissed. Because his GOD is our GOD and his dream has now become ours. ~Blessings!