We cannot do it alone. We need your support . . .
Brian K. Hillard
CEO/Chief Vision Officer at The Human (RE)SET Project/metaSPHERE Industries, LLC.
A belated Merry Christmas and Happiest of Holidays to you are yours everyone!
We here at CRUSADES 22/METASphere Industries have been enjoying the spoils and joys of the season, as well as staying super focused on our mission objectives for CRUSADES 22 and METASphere.
As me move steadily forward in our MISSION, we need your help and the help of anyone, any organization, any corporation that you may have in your rolodex, LinkedIn, FaceBook, Instagram, or Twitter network . . . without the generous support of the collective community, we cannot continue our work supporting and caring for our Nation's HEROES!!
If you know of any companies, organizations or individuals that are looking to support an organization like C22 in our MISSION that supports our active-duty military personnel, veteran, first responder communities and their familes could you please pass along our contact information and a link to our website/donate page? Any support is extremely appreciated; however, the more generous donations help us to continue to design and develop new programs, all the while staying focused on our day-to-day work that we so gratefully and passionately engage! To make a donation, please visit us at:
Or, you may contact me directly via LinkedIn if you would like to do the old fashioned thing and write a check. Either way, we are extremely grateful for your support!!
With this being the end of year and organizations and corporations looking towards tax season - any donation to C22 is tax deductible.
A Happy and Prosperous New Years to you ALL!
#MISSION #UNITY #SERVICE #HONOR #supportourheroes #brainhealth #INJURYnotdisorder #PTSI #TBIrecovery #immersivetherapy #USCICT #EMOTIV #neuroscience #zeroeyes #sentireal Sledgehammer Games #CallofdutyWW2 #cohenveteransnetwork #TeamNeverQuit #NavySEALFoundation #IntrepidFallenHeroesFund #FutureFrogman #TheFORGING