We Cannot Not Communicate
Bonini Botle Kusano Wellness Speaker- NLP- Culture Change
The Breath Whisperer | Happiness Advocate: Catalyst For Change: Trauma, Stress, Sleep | Through 1:1 Healing & Workplace Wellness | Men's Wellness | Culture Coach | #debriefing #well-being #mensmentalhealth #wellbeing
Day 9 of?the 12-day countdown until the legendary Silent Retreat on February 18, 2023
The Art of Communication Through Silence
Every single one of the 7,883 billion of us, including newborns, possesses a sacred, unaltered, and unmined space within us.
And when it comes to "communication," I have a gutsy disposition. Due to how the body and mind interact. Neurolinguistic programming (#NLP) has a presupposition that reads,
“We cannot not communicate”?
Refers to the idea that anything your body expresses as behavior through words, touch, or movement, your mind interprets as an emotion, and the opposite is also true. Both are necessary for each other to exist.
As a result, even when we are silent, our body and mind are working and communicating. It follows that every interaction is a form of communication.
Paul Watzlawick created five axioms, one of which is "We cannot not communicate," which fits perfectly with the audacious idea that there is an art to communication in silence when it is connected to the phenomenon of mind and body as systemic.
Follow along...
This is wisdom you don't want to miss.
The greatest form of communication is through silence.?
Silence is a true gem, but its benefits do not manifest themselves right away. Because it meets you where you are—in the never-ending cycle of doing, task-oriented, efficiency-focused, technologically advanced, and excessively stimulated. It connects to all of your personality traits, including those you are certain you enjoy and those you might not even be aware you have, much less find pleasurable. It also forces you to confront the rules that govern you as well as the beliefs that you have ingrained into your mind over the years. It interacts with memories that are transmitted through your ancestors and encoded in your DNA.?
This work of art is presented in silence. Here is where the process of wisdom mining must start. It only requires two things as it delves deeper and moves along each neural pathway: no external stimuli, such as food or conversations. To turn inward, you must use all five of your senses. By the way, when we breathe, this process occurs involuntarily in the spaces between our breaths, but we never notice it.?
Then, silence enlarges and fully opens up any openings or cavities in your subconscious so you can see what they are, as well as their shapes, forms, and associated associations. Each cavity is unique to each person and can be triggered by specific words being spoken, a touch, a smell, a sound, or a thought.
This is the communication that controls us on a deeper level, hidden coding in patterns, preferences, habits, and character traits.
It is because of this communication that you are offended when certain things are said or expressed. On the surface, we may interpret this as thinking or feeling. This is the communication your monkey mind is bouncing back and forth with, for instance, when you're feeling anxious.?
Silence will start interacting with you at this point. After that. Underneath your wounded self is where wisdom can be found.
Wisdom does not come from simply remaining silent; it requires work, just like a work of art.