We Can Thank The Democratic National Committee For President Donald Trump
Disgraced former chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Debbie Wasserman Schultz

We Can Thank The Democratic National Committee For President Donald Trump


As unfortunate as the election of Donald J. Trump is for America, it serves the Democratic Party right for their high-handed rigging of the Democratic Presidential Primaries in favor of Mrs. Bill Clinton. Hillary Rodham Clinton's feminist cult followers in the DNC, and her operatives in the media, literally stole the Democratic nomination from Bernie Sanders in plain sight of the whole world; then they threatened Sanders to stand down and concede a defeat to Hillary Clinton that did not exist. The head-to-head polls consistently showed that Sanders would clearly beat any given candidate in the GOP field by a landslide and that Hillary could only win by a close margin but she could just as easily lose the Presidential election to any one of the GOP front-runners, including Donald Trump.

This election has borne out what was reflected in the head-to-head polls during the Democratic Primaries. We can thank the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for President Donald Trump. They put the cult of feminism above the integrity of the Democratic Party and above the best interest of the United States. This has been the most shameful presidential election in the History of The United States. Now Hillary Clinton must answer for all of the political assassinations that were carried out against people who could have testified against her. I suppose she figured that the ends justified the means. Yet, with all of the witchcraft rituals, the murders, and the deck stacked in her favor in so many ways, Hillary still failed. History will not look kindly upon this woman ...and deservedly so.


HERU BAR-CHANAN is a great-great-grandson of Nat Turner (1800-1831), the Prophet who led the most devatating slave revolt in American History; and, he is the author of the amazing book GOD IS WITH US. (2017) Secret Knowledge of The Hand of God In Black America's Quest of Freedom. Tap the title link above to learn more about this book; and, place your secure order.


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