If We Can - Then Shouldn't We?
Michael David Johnson
Namaste'. Wherever & whenever possible, may I treat others with loving kindness, compassion & respect
I have often thought that human destiny is in human hands: That we shouldn’t have to reference any religion or political party in order to make us realize - Love is better than hate; that peace is better than war and human abuse of any kind;
?That compassion and giving one to another in order to relieve human suffering is far better than narcissism; that an honest and inward smile and kindness is not a human weakness but rather the measure of one’s strength of character.
?That inclusion and tolerance is better than exclusion, discrimination and indifference; that we give comfort to those who feel alone and disenfranchised;
That we do what is good, just and right- not because we are seeking any earthly or heavenly reward - but because it is to our mutual benefit to immerse ourselves into the here and now - that we might pay closer attention to the needs of others and of our planet without expecting personal gain or a pat on the back; that we do these things simply because they are the right things to do.
?If we can do these things - then shouldn’t we?