We can make a difference
Dr Truman Hudson Jr
Executive Leader | Strategic Social Innovator | Multidisciplinarian
My heart aches today for our people who are outside living and sleeping in these frigid temps.
The not so glamorous picture was taken this morning in Roseville MI. After I woke up this sister from her deep slumber and asked how I could help, she looked at me and pulled the covers over her head and commenced to snore.
I immediately called the Roseville Police Department which dispatched a vehicle that arrived in 5 minutes after my call.
Kudos to the public safety personnel from Roseville MI who took my call, arrived on the scene in 5 minutes and helped our sister in her time of need.
While we all may not have this opportunity to serve and support our sisters and brothers who are homeless or living without heat and water, we can support the warming centers and service providers whose missions are aligned with this work.
#Service #HomelessnessImpactsUsAll #WeCanMakeADifference