We Can Not Ignore What is Happening in our Neighbourhood as Religious Radicalism was the Root Cause of India's Partition
Amod Dikshit
Over 4 decades in the Media Industry. Formerly with The Indian Express (Delhi)
The newly appointed caretaker government in Bangla Desh believes that the Indian Media is exaggerating the attrocities on the Hindus & other miniorities in Bangla Desh. Can they explain that if this is true than how has the population of Hindus reduced from 30% to less than 8%? Population of other minorities has also come down to 1%. Where have the minorities gone ?
Interestingly the same government of Bangladesh is assuring of protecting the minorities which is contradictory to their statement of exaggeration by the Indian Media. Indian Journalists have visited and talked to affected people and reported facts from the ground which exposes their lies.
We are sharing some of the recent links to remind us of the horrors of partition based on Radicalism alongwith the horror the Hindus are going through in our neighbourhood:
Simply google to check out your favourite media source and you will find ample evidence of the horrors the minorities have gone through in Bangladesh and continue to face even now. It may increase with Radical forces gaining ground in our neighbourhood. With the backing of state these Radical Forces may make it even more difficult for the minorities to live peacefully. We have the responsibility of highlighting their plight and request the Indian Government too to intervene.