Our History
Blue Chip International almost 20 years ago, started off with the grace of Almighty Allah as a business consultancy firm that offered expert advice to new and upcoming businesses. Since then our vision and aim have been to provide consultancy services for every type of business and at every level of its operation so that our Clients can invest their time to focus purely on their business activity and let us take care of everything else.
Blue Chip International is one of the most reputable names providing company registration services in Karachi, Pakistan. In addition our range of services are not limited to company registration we have a team of experts comprising of Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan having tons of experience in the field of Company Registration, Income Tax Advisory, Bookkeeping Services, Customise Accounting Software Development (Accounting Software in Excel), Internal Audit, Trade Mark, Logo Registration cutting short everything that is related to corporate management we have a solution.
The objective of formation of Blue Chip International is a provision of high-quality services in a cost-effective manner in order to meet the specific requirements of clients belonging to different sectors of the economy. Our core strategy is to set entirely new standards in the field of corporate and Income Tax Consultancy.
Our Mission
With passion, pride and speed, we actively communicate with our customers to deliver insightful automotive services that exceed their expectations.
We develop and deliver innovative solutions to our customers, and provide a dynamic and challenging environment for our employees.
Our Values
- Being the best
- Cooperation
- Skillfulness
- Perfection
- Responsiveness
Our devoted commitment to our work is the key to our success as well as the roadmap for our future.
We utilise a mix of technology and human touch to deliver quality business services, at scale across Pakistan.
Legal Partners Worldwide
Trademarks Filed
Copyrights Filed
Company's cases handled
NGO / Trust / Society Registration
NGO Registration
NGO is basically a non-profit company registered under section 42 of the companies ordinance, 1984 that is licensed by the Securities and Exchnage commission of Pakistan to undetake non-profit work.
Payment of any kind of dividends to the directors of the company is prohibited in company registered as NGO. An NGO requires previous approval of Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. In addition approval from interior ministry is also required.
NGO's are exempted from tax till the time they hold valid license of registration.
Trust Registration
A trust is a non profit corporation set up to undertake social welfare projects. In trust certain property or amount is set aside for the purpose of social welfare that is normally donated by the trustees.
The trustees sign the trust deed and undertake to abide by the trust deed.
Society Registration
Social Welfare Society is registered under socities act and requires proper board of directors to function.
NTN Income Tax Advisory.
Sole Proprietor Registration in Pakistan.
A sole proprietor is the type of business run and managed by a single person or in the meaning of law, there is no distinction between the owner and business in terms of the law. In simple words, any case or suit filed against the business will be treated as it is filed directly against the owner. In sole proprietor registration all the profit, loss and assets and liabilities are in fact the profit, loss and asset liability of the owner. The term sole proprietor means the business has an only single owner and there are no other directors or partners involved in sole proprietor business registration.
The structure of sole proprietor business registration is the simplest as compared to any other form of business such as private limited company registration or partnership firm registration. One of the most important reasons for easy handling of sole proprietor business is that it is managed by the single person but this does not mean that there is any sort of restriction on employment and sole proprietor can employ a number of employees as he wanted to run his business efficiently.The sole proprietor can use any business name depending on the name mentioned in the sole proprietor registration certificate issued by the Federal Board of Revenue. A sole proprietor is also allowed to open the Bank Account with the name of the business.So if you are interested in registering your business as sole proprietor Blue Chip International is the best consultancy firm that can offer you the business registration. For further information feel free to contact.Documents Required for Sole Proprietor Registration:
- CNIC of the Person Applying for Sole Proprietor Registration.
- Name of the Business.
- Address of the Business.
- Letter Head of the Business.
- Electricity Bill of the Address.
Bank Account Number, Bank Name and Branch
Partnership Firm Registration
Partnership Firm Registration in Pakistan
Blue Chip International Offers Partnership Firm Registration in Pakistan in 5 to 10 working Days
Partnership firm registration is the form of business whereby the profit and losses are shared between the partners in pre-determined ratio. Partnership firm registration is often preferred by business over private limited company registration because taxation rates are generally low on partnership firm registration as compared to private limited companies.
However, another aspect of registering your business as Partnership firm rather than private limited company is that the liability of the owner is unlimited in partnership as compared to private limited company where the liability of the business is limited up to the capital of the company.
Another reason for partnership registration is sometimes two or more companies decide to do a common business through sharing of resources in such case they prefer to register a partnership firm which is normally a substitute for mergers and acquisitions by the businesses.
As the general practice of businesses sole proprietors when their business tends to expand need to involve other people as partners and normally businesses are turned from sole proprietor to partnership firms. Sometimes people directly register partnership firm if they want to start business with 2 to 3 or more partners.
Partnerships are registered with Registrar of Firms and each area has different registrar that is provided with the powers to issue certificate of registration of firm by the government.
For further information read Partnership Firm Registration Process in Pakistan
Firm Registration Process in Pakistan
For partnership firm registration in Pakistan an application is required to be filed with the registrar of the firms on Form 1 along with certain documents these are mentioned as under:
- In order to register business as partnership firm minimum two persons are required and the following information is required for each partner – Full Name, Father or Husband Name, Residential address and Occupation.
- Copy of the National Identity cards of both the partners.
- Partnership deed on stamp paper is also required.
- Proof of the address of the Partnership Business usually electricity bill.
- If the address of the Partnership Business is rented then rent deed is required.
- Copy of the original receipt of Partnership Fee deposited in the National Bank of Pakistan.
- Signatures of all the partners in partnership/firm business in the presence of registrar or an authorized officer.
Additional Requirements for Partnership Business
- National tax Number from Federal Board of Revenue
- Bank Account in the name of Business.
- Accounting records of partnership business properly maintained profit and loss account and balance sheet.
- Advance Payment of Income tax as required under the provisions of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001.
- Registration from any other authority if required under any law of the business to be undertaken.
Company Private Limited Registration
Company Registration in Pakistan
Company Registration in Pakistan in just 10 to 12 working days. Blue Chip International Offers Company Registration in Pakistan in all cities including Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad Private Limited Company Registration is one of the most preferred form of business by most of the business people. Getting the company registered makes a big difference to the business in the form of trust and interest from other people to work with you. Private Limited Company or any form of company in Pakistan is registered as per the requirements stated in the Companies Ordinance, 1984.
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan is the Government body responsible for registration of all types of companies in Pakistan. The officer responsible for handling of registration of companies matters in Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan is called registrar of companies.
As per the requirements of Companies Ordinance, 1984 minimum two directors are required to form a Private Limited Company. However Single Member Company can have a single director.
As per the Companies Ordinance, 1984 there are three different forms of companies.
- A company limited by shares.
- A company limited by guarantee.
- An unlimited liability company.
Blue Chip International a reputable name in corporate consultancy offers company registration services in Karachi Pakistan.
If you are in exploring more about the company registration process in Pakistan detailed information about company registration is mentioned below.
The process of Company registration in Pakistan is not much complicated compared to company registration in some of the other parts of the world however in order to successfully go through the process of company registration in Pakistan you have to go through some basic steps that are mentioned below.
Before jumping to the steps of company registration in Pakistan it is quite important for you to understand that in Pakistan companies are registered with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) which is the only body granted the powers of company registration in Pakistan by the Government of Pakistan.
Company Registration Process in Pakistan: Step No. 1 (Name Availability)
The first step in company Registration in Pakistan is to make an application to the registrar of companies for the availability of name. The application can be made both online and in offline mode and normally takes a period of 3 to 4 days before confirmation of the name applied for new company registration in Pakistan. Before making an application to the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan for company registration please do not forget to do Company Name Search with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan website. Once the name is confirmed you can proceed with the process of company registration in Pakistan.
Company Registration Process in Pakistan: Step No. 2 (Preparation of Documents)
The second step in company registration in Pakistan is to start preparing documents necessary for the process of company registration. The following are the set of documents need to be prepared in order to successfully complete the process of company registration in Pakistan:
1. Memorandum of Association
Memorandum of Association is the basic document where all the objectives of the company registration are stated e.g. the basic objective of company registration is to engage in the business of general order supplier or trading company or any other business.
All the business the company is planning to undertake must be stated in the memorandum in order to get the process of company registration in Pakistan to complete.
Four copies of Memorandum of Association must be prepared for company registration in Pakistan.
2. Articles of Association
Articles of Association is the basic document where all the rules of the company to operate are stated e.g. How directors are going to operate, when how General Meetings of the company undergoing the process of company registration in Pakistan is to be conducted etc.
Four copies of Articles of Association must be prepared also.
3. Form 1
Form I for company registration is the basically a declaration of one of the directors of the company about to be registered. Form 1 can be downloaded from Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan website. This is another compulsory component of company registration process in Pakistan.
4. Form 21
Form 21 is the form whereby the address of company undergoing the process of company registration in Pakistan is notified to the registrar.
5. Form 29
Form 29 contains information about the particulars of the directors of the company that is undergoing the process of company registration in Pakistan. Form 29 is submitted in duplicate.
6. Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney in favor of any person authorized to submit documents and liaison with the company registration office about different issues during company registration in Pakistan.
7. Copies of CNIC’s of Directors
Copies of CNIC are of Directors and witness who signed the memorandum and articles of Association of the company that is undergoing the process of company registration in Pakistan.
8. Name Availability Letter/Email Original from SECP
Letter receives from the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan confirming the name applied for the company that is undergoing the process of company registration in Pakistan.
Company Registration Process: Step No 3 (Submission of Documents and Collection of Certificate)
The last step in the process of company registration in Pakistan is to submit all the above mentioned certificates to the registrar of the companies. Once satisfied with the documents incorporation certificate of the new company registered is issued by Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan within 3 to 5 working days and the process of company registration in Pakistan completes with the issue of this certificate.
Trademark Registration
Trademark Registration in Pakistan
Blue Chip International offer Trademark Registration in Islamabad Pakistan.
Our Services include:
- Trademark Registration in Pakistan.
- Brand Name Registration in Pakistan.
- Logo Search and Registration in Pakistan.
Trademark Registration and Process Details:
Trademark in actual is a unique symbol or sign that is used by sole proprietor, firm, company and other businesses to identify that the product and services provided by them are original and originated from them.
In accordance with the established practices of the most parts of the world, the trademark is also an intellectual property and is registerable. A trademark can be a name of business, related word, logo, symbol, image or combination of the aforesaid. The business with registered trademark has the right to commence legal proceedings in case the trademark is used by other businesses illegally. Therefore it is advisable to get your trademark registered to enjoy the rights bestowed to the owner of trademark in Pakistan.
The main objective of trademark registration is to recognize the source of origination of the product or any service when used. In other words, trademark serves as an identification source of a product or service. There are certain legal rights associated with the registered trademark that is enforceable in case of breach or infringement of the trademark rights.
It is worth mentioning that rights associated with trademark are useable in only in case of use of the trademark over the unique product or service of the business provided that there are no other legal objections associated.
Different classifications of Trademarks in Pakistan and around the World:
Goods and Services have been classified as per International classification of goods into 45 Trademark classes. Class 1 to 34 is related to goods and classes from 35 to 45 relate to services. This classification of trademarks is also known as Geneva Classification. In Pakistan, this system of classification is used as Pakistan is also the signatory of Geneva Accord. The objective of creating a system for classification of trademarks is to make sure that goods and services around the world are classified in the same way and there are no chances of conflict because trademark registered in any part of the world is used around the world without objection from any other businesses for reason of trademark conflict.
Laws and legislation affecting Trademark Registration and it's Protection:
In Pakistan Intellectual property Organisation is the government body responsible for administrative control of trademarks in Pakistan. Intellectual Property organization works within the framework of Trade Marks Ordinance, 2001 and Trade Mark rules 2004 to protect the rights of businesses with registered trademarks.
Under Trademark laws Registrar of Trademarks hears and decides matters relating to trademarks in the case of any kinds of objections. The proceedings are similar to a civil court.
Process of Trademark Registration in Pakistan:
Search for trademark before filing of application of trademark registration.
Submission of application to the Intellectual property organization for trademark registration.
Initial review from Registrar of Trademark registration application.
Appearance before registrar by applicant/representative in case of objections from the registrar of trademarks.
Issuance of order by the registrar for publication of trademark in Trade Journal of Pakistan by the registrar of trademarks.
Publication of Trademark in the Trade journal of Pakistan.
Objections or applications in opposition to the Trademark registration in Pakistan.
Hearing before the registrar of objections in case any and decision by the registrar.
Trademark Registration certificate issuance.
Trademark application is filed through a representative by providing him the authority through power of attorney.
The validity period for trademark registration in Pakistan is 10 years.
Blue Chip International can provide all the services relating to trademark registration in Pakistan.
Trade Mark Registration in Pakistan and Intellectual property organisation:
Trade Mark registry (TMR) is one of the prime body of Intellectual property organisation of Pakistan. Trademark registry in Pakistan is regulated under Trade Marks Ordinance, 2001.
Trade mark registry is basically a government body and it is assigned the role of trade and services across the country. It has the working of similar to a civil court and in case of any objection the appeals are filed with the high court's of provinces. Trade mark registry is supervised by a Registrar and the office of Registrar is in Karachi city.
Function of Trade Mark Registry
After the application of Trade Marks Ordinance, 2001 understanding about the importance of trade marks for businesses has increased tremendously. Trade Mark is also assigned with the role to create awareness among old and new entrepreneurs about the importance of the trademark for businesses and the security and protection that adds to businesses with its registration. Trade Mark Registry has also created a separate helpline to address any queries in this regard.
Data Digitization Section of Trade Mark Registry of Pakistan (Index Section):
As soon as the application for registration of any trademark is received by the Trade Mark Registry office the role of this section of the Trade Mark Registry office begins. The basic role of this section of Trade Mark registry is to convert the application received into a digitalize form and issuance of acknowledgment against the receiving.
Examination Section of Trade Mark Registry of Pakistan (Eight):
The basic role of examination section Trade Mark Registry section is to examine the application received under the different categories of goods and services created and examine whether the application is submitted is in accordance with the prescribed criteria.
If the application is found correct then it is accepted by the Registrar and is forwarded to the Journal section. If there are any objections to the application they are immediately conveyed to the application for correction and resubmission.
Journal Section of Trade Mark Registry:
Journal section is responsible for publication of trademark journal.
Opposition Section of Trade Mark Registry:
Opposition section of trademark registry office addresses any objections filed against the trademarks.
Registration Section of Trade Mark Registry:
The section of Trade Mark Registry is responsible for issuance of trademark registration certificate.
Post Registration Section of Trade Mark Registry:
Post registration section deals with the any matters that arise after the publication of trademark.
Renewal Section:
Trade Mark once registered is valid for 10 years and afterwards renewed through this section.
Record Section:
Maintenance of records of all trademarks is assigned to this section.
Legal Section:
Legal section handles legal matters that arise in courts in case of dispites in trademarks.
Administration / HR / Accounts Section:
Deals with Admin, HR and Accounts matter.
IT Section:
IT section deals with IT infrastructure of Trade Mark Registry office.
Copyright Registration
Copyright Registration in Pakistan
Before we explain, the procedure and requirements for copyright registration in Pakistan, it is essential to understand what a copyright actually is? Copyright is literally, the right to copy, though in legal terms “the right to control copying” is more accurate. Copyrights are exclusive statutory rights to exercise control over copying and other exploitation of the works for a specific period of time. Your exclusive packaging design or main page of your website may also be copyrightable in addition to trademark registration.
Copyright initially only granted the exclusive right to copy a book, allowing anybody to use the book to, for example, make a translation, adaptation or public performance. At the time print on paper was the only format in which most text-based copyrighted works were distributed. Therefore, while the language of book contracts was typically very broad, the only exclusive rights that had any significant economic value were rights to distribute the work in print. The exclusive rights granted by copyright law to copyright owners have been gradually expanded over time and now uses of the work such as dramatization, translations, and derivative works such as adaptations and transformations, fall within the scope of copyright.
Copyrights are a form of protection provided to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works. This protection is available to both published and unpublished works.
What can be registered as a Copyright?
As defined by Pakistan’s Copyright Law, Copyright is a form of protection provided to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including:
- Literary
- Dramatic
- Musical
- Artistic
- Calligraphy
- Product Packaging
- And certain other intellectual works
This protection is available to both published and unpublished works.
What rights does a copyright owner earn after copyright registration in Pakistan?
The copyright owner is given two sets of rights, a positive one and a negative one:
- 1. Positive Right
An exclusive, positive right to copy and exploit the copyrighted work, or license others to do so,
- 2. Negative Right
Negative right is to prevent anyone else from doing so without consent, with the possibility of legal remedies if they do.
In general, the owner of copyrights has the exclusive right to do and to authorize others to do the following:
- To reproduce the copyrighted work in copies or phonorecords.
- To prepare derivative works based upon the copyrighted work.
- To distribute copies or phonorecords of the copyrighted work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, or lending.
- To perform the copyrighted work publicly, in the case of literary, musical, dramatic, and choreographic works, pantomimes, and motion pictures and other audiovisual works.
- To display the copyrighted work publicly, in the case of literary, musical, dramatic, and choreographic works, pantomimes, and pictorial, graphic, or sculptural works, including the individual images of a motion picture or other audiovisual workIn the case of sound recordings*, to perform the work publicly by means of a digital audio transmission.
It is illegal for anyone to violate any of the rights provided by the copyrights law to the owner of copyrights. These rights, however, are not unlimited in scope, the copyrights law establishes limitations on these rights. In some cases, these limitations are specified exemptions from copyrights liability. One major limitation is of “fair use,” In other instances, the limitation takes the form of a “compulsory license” under which certain limited uses of copyrighted works are permitted upon payment of specified royalties and compliance with statutory conditions. For further information about the limitations of any of these rights, consult the copyrights law.
How is copyrights enforced and what is anti-infringement mechanism?
Copyrights are generally enforced by the holder in a civil law court, but there are also criminal infringement statutes.
An unskippable anti-piracy film included on movie DVDs equates copyright infringement with theft. Copyright infringement, or copyright violation, is the unauthorized use of works covered by copyright law, in a way that violates one of the copyright owner’s exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works.
For electronic and audio-visual media, unauthorized reproduction and distribution are also commonly referred to as piracy.
Who can claim copyrights?
Copyrights protection subsists from the time the work is created in fixed form. The copyrights in the work of authorship immediately become the property of the author who created the work. Only the author or those deriving their rights through the author can rightfully claim copyrights.
In the case of a work prepared by an employee within the scope of his or her employment; the employer and not the employee is considered to be the author if the parties expressly agree in a written instrument signed by them that the work shall be considered a work made for hire.
The authors of a joint work are co-owners of the copyrights in the work unless there is an agreement to the contrary.
Note: Mere ownership of a book, manuscript, painting, or any other copy or phonorecord does not give the possessor the copyrights. The transfer of ownership of any material object that embodies a protected work does not of itself convey any rights in the copyrights
What works are protected?
Copyrights protects “original works of authorship” that are fixed in a tangible form of expression. The fixation need not be directly perceptible so long as it may be communicated with the aid of a machine or device. Copyrightable works include the following categories:
- 1. literary works
- 2. musical works, including any accompanying words
- 3. dramatic works, including any accompanying music
- 4. pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works
- 5. motion pictures and other audiovisual works
- 6. sound recordings
- 7. architectural works
These categories should be viewed broadly. For example, computer programs and most “compilations” may be registered as “literary works”.
What is not protected by copyrights?
Many items although intellectual are generally not eligible for copyrights protection. These include among others:
- Works that have not been fixed in a tangible form of Ideas, procedures, methods, systems, processes, concepts, principles, discoveries, or devices, as distinguished from a description, explanation, or illustration.
- Works consisting entirely of information that is common property and containing no original authorship (for example standard calendars, height and weight charts, tape measures and rulers, and lists or tables taken from public documents or other common sources).
How long copyrights protection endures?
A work that was created (fixed in tangible form for the first time) protected from the moment of its creation and is ordinarily given a term enduring for the author’s life plus an additional 50 years after the author’s death. In the case of “a joint work prepared by two or more authors who did not work for hire,” the term lasts for 50 years after the last surviving author’s death. For works made for hire, and for anonymous and pseudonymous works the duration of copyrights will be 50 years from publication.
Is the transfer of copyrights possible?
Any or all of the copyrights owner’s exclusive rights or any subdivision of those rights may be transferred, but the transfer of exclusive rights is not valid unless that transfer is in writing and signed by the owner of the rights conveyed or such owner’s duly authorized agent.
What law regulates copyrights law in Pakistan?
In Pakistan, copyright registration and ancillary regulation is employed by the Intellectual property office of government of Pakistan under the following statutes.
- Copyrights Ordinance, 1962
- Copyright Rules
Who may file an application form?
The following persons are legally entitled to submit an application form in person or through a legal representatives and attorneys(lawyers):
1. The author :
This is either the person who actually created the work or if the work was made for hire, the employer or another person for whom the work was prepared.
2. The copyrights claimant
The copyrights claimant is defined in Copyrights regulations as either the author of the work or a person or organization that has obtained ownership of all the rights under the copyrights initially belonging to the author. This category includes a person or organization who has obtained by contract the right to claim legal title to the copyrights in an application for copyrights registration.
3. The owner of exclusive right(s)
Under the law, any of the exclusive rights that make up copyright and any subdivision of them can be transferred and owned separately, even though the transfer may be limited in time or place of effect. The term “copyrights owner” with respect to any one of the exclusive rights contained in copyright refers to the owner of that particular right. Any owner of an exclusive right may apply for registration of a claim in the work.
What is the copyright registration process in Pakistan?
Copyrights Registration in Pakistan is regulated by the IPO Office. Registration helps establish prima facie evidence in court of the validity of the copyrights and of the facts stated in the certificate.
Decision Time
If you have established a classic work of art and feel someone may steal it and/or damage your repute, then register the copyright this instance through our specialist attorneys and copyright lawyers, Blue Chip International will assist you in holding down those potential thieves to this invaluable intangible asset.
The process for copyright registration takes around a year however we can assist by getting provisional approval letter within a month of application date.
Useful Links
Government of Pakistanhttps://www.pakistan.gov.pk/Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistanhttps://www.secp.gov.pk/Federal Board of Revenuehttps://www.fbr.gov.pk/Government of Punjabhttps://www.punjab.gov.pk/Sindh Revenue Boardhttps://srb.gos.pk/home/index.jspKPK Revenue Authorityhttps://www.khyberpakhtunkhwa.gov.pk/Revenu/Department/index.phpState Bank of Pakistanhttps://www.sbp.org.pk/Ministry of Commercehttps://www.commerce.gov.pk/Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistanhttps://www.icap.org.pk/Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistanhttps://www.icmap.com.pk/Pakistan Revenue Automation (Private) Limitedhttps://www.pral.com.pk/Anti Dumping Pakistanhttps://www.antidumpingpakistan.com/
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