We Can Do Anything As Long As No One Is Listening
Chris Feola
Author, Perfecting Equilibrium: For a brief, shining moment Web1 democratized data. Then Web2 came along and made George Orwell look like an optimist. Now Web3 is Perfecting John Nash’s Information Equilibrium.
The Perfecting Equilibrium Digest, March 5-11, 2025
Now it's all out and you know
'Cause I wanted to
Turn my back on the rot that's been planning the plot
Because I'm gonna
No need for me to wait
Because I wanna
No need, two, three, too
late Because I'm gonna
Come on
Do believe I told you so
Comment of the Week
Rep. Austin Scott (R-Ga.) on Sex, Drinking and Dementia: 25 Lawmakers Spill on What Congress Is Really Like in Politico: “How good of friends some of us are, whose political ideologies are totally separate from each other. Some of my best friends up here are members of the progressive caucus. We go out, have dinner and a beer, and we can even tell jokes with each other, as long as nobody’s listening.”
Do believe I told you so!
Kayfabe is the story performers are telling to work an audience. It’s a term that emerged from carnies a century ago, and now has been popularized by professional wrestling.
In Kayfabe, Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock were mortal enemies who met in bloody fights in the ring.
After the lights went down and the Marks went home, Austin and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnston were friends who would drive to the next show together, planning out their next match and betting cases of beer on which one could pull off the most preposterous spot. On one especially boring road trip through “house shows” – events that aren’t broadcast on TV and therefore where new things can be tried out – the bet was who could get the famously all-business Undertaker to break character and laugh.
The winner turned into The Most Electrifying Move In Sports Entertainment – The People’s Elbow!
The entire point of The People’s Elbow is that the audience is in on the joke with the performers. They’re all smarks!
The performers don’t care. They’re still getting paid.
That’s just good business in professional wrestling. And it’s just good business in our political system.
Perfecting Equilibrium Stories
Easter Eggs
I've given up on the Easter Egg roundups on LinkedIn. Ever since LinkedIn changed how it handles embeds almost all music videos fail. You can still see the roundup on Substack, if you like.
Next on Perfecting Equilibrium
Friday March 14th?- Foto.Feola.Friday
Sunday, March 16th — For Want of Shoes The War Was Lost; Grunts have a saying: Amateurs talk about military strategy and tactics. Professionals talk about logistics. The pivotal battle of the Civil War occurred because desperate soldiers needed shoes. Logistics and supply chains have ruled warfare from the Roman Legions to the US Rapid Deployment Force during the Cold War. Now the ability of SpaceX and the like to land rockets anywhere on the globe in an hour promises a bigger revolution in warfighting than drones and similar high-tech tactics.