We Can Build A Better World
Oladimeji Olutimehin
Co-founder EWB Nigeria, Startup Business model, innovation & culture consultant l. Value Giver Coach. Truly Human Consultant
"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world." Robin Williams
One idea can change the world and make it better. We are all on earth to make it better for others. We are to plant the trees that will give out oxygen, fruits, medicine, food, and comfort in the next two hundred years long after we have gone. We must see the life we live as a game that never ends even long after we have left the scene.
We are playing an infinite game and we need to play it by the rules and ensure that everyone wins. No matter how things go, we have to continually adapt to the way the game is played. Better still we can control how the game is played, create new rules, and call the play of the game while still making sure everyone benefits.
The rules in the infinite game are continually being reinvented so that it won’t experience in entropy. It continually changes till it so as to never end. If the rules don’t change, it will self-destruct. As such, you are either being told how to play the game or you are the one in charge of the way the game is being played.
People who play the infinite game end up making the world a better place than it was. They keep reinventing the game and making it better and easier for people. They make it more collaborative and people-centric. As we continue to play the game we move from self-centric systems to people-centric. Everything we do now becomes how to help others win. When we help other people win, we are sure of winning.
When you want to make the world a better place for others, you need a change in mindset. You need to transform your mindset from:
Competition to Collaboration
Value Taking to Value Giving
Management to Leadership
Job Description to Value Creation
Scarcity to Abundance
Fixed to Abundance
The Truly Human Concept is a force for good in the world. When installed and implemented anywhere, it will transform people and society and make it better. They include:
1. Truly Human School: Humanizing our High School System and bringing care to it. Parents and teachers become partners in creating human, economic and academic value. Students are led and coached to be better humans, leaders, and citizens. This is the first school system that has a clear role for parents in the education of their children. It teaches parenting as leadership and teaching as coaching and leading. The way teachers feel impacts the way they treat the students. How students are treated by teachers, impacts the decision they make about their lives. High school students involved in this program learn to use design thinking and scientific methodology to solve real-life problems in the society where they live. We are working with several high schools and they are growing.
2. Truly Human University: Humanizing the University system means seeing students as humans, caring for them, and equipping them to succeed in life. We are creating a system where undergraduates gain real-life work experience while still in school and provide support systems that help them pursue their dreams. Truly Human University system equips students to be either value-creating employees or value-creating entrepreneurs. They prepare undergraduates to create the future. We are currently running a pilot, experimentation of our hypothesis, in several Nigerian Universities.
3. Truly Human Company: Humanizing businesses transform them to be a force for good in the world. They are built on the pillars of purpose and a cause, truly human culture and business model, truly human leadership, creating value for all stakeholders, people as product, and playing the infinite game. It is a system that cares for everyone and sends them home each day happy, safe, and fulfilled. Trust is the foundation of it. We are working with several companies to install the system and also building new start-ups with factory-fitted Truly Human Business Model and Culture.
The Truly Human Concept is powered by:
1. Truly Human Leadership: Leaders who care for people as humans, develop them into leaders and not management that tells them what to do and places a limit on what they can do and earn. The dignity of people is honored by the Truly Human Leader. People feel respected, cared for and safe.
2. Value Creation: When people are treated right, they unleash their ingenuity. Any organization where people feel cared for, safe and honored will experience the power of human ingenuity. The earth’s resources are limited, but human ingenuity is unlimited. Human ingenuity empowers resources with the ability to create wealth by making it useful to people. You cannot manage or control value creation or motivate people to create value, you have to inspire them.
We can change the world if we decide to adopt the Truly Human Concept in every part of our lives. Our humanity is going into extinction. Time to bring it back.