we can always make a difference with the smallest thing we do towards other people around us.
Financial & insurance Representative. Author,Speaker,Leader,Corporate Life Strategies,Health & Wellness Coach/Pod-caster
A hero is not always those who becomes a volunteer in conflict areas, a hero is someone who helps someone in need or spreads kindness through the world. We can be a hero too.
We need think about the consequences of our behaviors in other people; question our self: if I’m doing this, is there any positive effect afterward? Always consider the consequences of our behaviors, because even the smallest thing we do will always make a response from others. So, if we have something to say, first ask whether it will hurt someone. Second, ask how what we say will benefit someone.
So, if we want to make the world into a better place, we be careful of what we want to say to others. The best types of people in the world do not have time to badmouth others; they know the value of their words.
It doesn’t mean that we can’t speak up and stand for our self; it means that we need to do everything with assertiveness. We can be bold and strong without hurting other people; all we need to do is find a nice way to speak up. We need remember that positive always comes from love. Then, please don’t share anything with other people but love.
There are so many ways to help others; even a smile can help someone from her depression. So, help as much as we can and give something to others, even it’s only a small thing. If we can’t help those people in need, then we pray for them.
Prayers can make a difference too, it gives you hope and hope creates positive in our life. More often than not, people become powerless to make a big difference they end up did nothing. At the end of the day, as long as we have the will to stay kind, then we are actually giving a contribution to world peace.
THE KEY IS: be kind and spread love to every person that needs a touch of life.
God bless you and all your loved ones.
Martha Macias