Are We Busy Doing Nothing?

Are We Busy Doing Nothing?

I read an article recently called 'The Art of Doing One Thing at a Time.' The author discusses multitasking and how we are constantly busy trying to do too many things at once. Does this resonate with you like it did with me?

They make a connection to when we were children and would just concentrate on one toy for hours on end or watch our favourite cartoons, one at a time, fully immersed. However now when we watch our favourite programme, our phones are glued to our hands and we are too busy tweeting or WhatsApping similtaneously, and maybe even eating our supper too...

I can really relate to this article; it sums up my working week to a tee. Over the last few weeks especially I have felt like I am constantly rushing round, doing multiple tasks at once and in the end being distracted and diconnected from any particular task. At the end of the day, I feel drained and unfulfilled. So it has to be time for a change! What do you think?

Lets try doing one thing at a time?

 "So, focus on one task at a time. Get a list ready so you can check it off methodically – one task at a time.."

“When we do several things at once, they take more time, and we are less productive,”Sjoukje Van De Kolk

Read the full article here!

It might be time to develop some perspective - my husband is a mental health nurse and saves lives every day - those of us that don't need to consider that what we are doing isn't life or death instead of treating it as if it is.


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