We Built This Nation... on Podcasts?
What a week in the world of podcasting. I don't want to get ahead of the data and claim that podcasting was a critically influential space in this election cycle; however, it certainly connected politicians with their constituents in a new way. Whether that's for the better or not depends on how you've been feeling since Wednesday though.
For me, I ain't been feeling too great. So to get myself feeling better, I've decided to pull the trigger on writing a blog post that I've been pondering for a while on a rather dark podcasting topic which I think needs to be covered in this day and age more than ever. I'll be working on that in the coming weeks, so stay tuned! I need to write this for my own peace of mind on the matter, and hopefully, it'll help you, dear reader, think through these weighty topics as well.
Remember, there is always light after the darkness, and a new dawn will rise tomorrow. So with that in mind, let's dive into some much lighter topics like viral comedy on-hold music!
?? Creatively Winging it with Nick Adams
It’s a viral sensation, all thanks to people being put on hold. Nick Adams is a versatile copywriter and the brains behind the renowned Pizza Hut chicken wing song. He started his journey in the mailroom at GSD&M, but his persistence and creativity led him to become a writer, crafting memorable campaigns and even winning prestigious awards.
On this episode, Chris delves into Nick's unique creative process, his comedic style, and his thoughts on current trends in branding and marketing. They also explore his passion for comedy and desire to make impactful, humorous content in the advertising world. Tune in to hear about Nick’s fascinating career and the creative minds behind some of your favorite ad campaigns.
?? Stuff You Should Know
100,000,000 Episodes Later...
Last week, Apple Podcasts hit a colossal milestone: 100,000,000+ episodes. Independent podcast data site Podcast Industry Insights reported the number just as October came to a close.
100,000,000 episodes is the culmination of a 12 year journey for the service, but it's really a near-two decade-long story if you start with podcast integration into iTunes back in 2005.
To put into perspective how much things have changed in the past 20 years, Apple's embrace of podcasts started with about 3,000 shows. Today, the service hosts more than a million. (Read More...)
Pick Up the Pace!
As you can see from the report above, there's an endless sea of media at the tip of our fingers. You can't possibly consume it all, but still, some people try to pack in as much content as possible - even if it means speeding things up a bit.
People listening to podcasts at accelerated speeds isn't exactly new, and hosts' opinions are split on why listeners would do such a thing. So let's get into the science behind it thanks to a report from our friends north of the border at the CBC.
They spoke to UCLA Professor Alan Castel, and he says it happens for efficiency's sake, especially among college students. His research found upping playback speed doesn't hurt comprehension until you go over 2x speed, but even then, some people can train themselves to retain info at up to 3x speed. Unfortunately, more research is still required to see if there's a correlation between those listeners and fans of Alvin and the Chipmunks. (Read More...)
?? Launch A Podcast With Us ???
If you're interested in how we can help you or your business with a podcast, let us know! We've helped launch well over 40 podcasts and generated millions of downloads. We're confident we can help you produce a show you'll want to HumbleBrag about.