We Broke Up But I Still Love Him (Why Is It So Hard For Me To Forget My Ex Boyfriend)

We broke up but I still love him - Why is it so hard for me to forget my ex boyfriend.?

Getting into a relationship is the most wonderful thing to happen in ones life. Breaking away from such an emotional and romantic bonding is terrible and hard to handle. A relationship comes to an end when either of the partners loses interest or finds someone more interesting. Reasons for breaking up can be many; still the pain which one suffers is one and the same for all. Whether you accept it or not you might still love your ex.

Trying to get busy by keeping the mind off your ex might just be a temporary relief but down under you realize you still love him.

Symptoms Showing You Still Love Him

Do you keep wondering what your ex might be doing or where he is right now? This is a definite sign to show that you still love him. It is natural that you cannot forget the thoughts but it becomes a problem when your mind is obsessed by such thoughts. If you find that your mind always thinks about whom he is dating or how he is handling the breakup then you need to move on in life and stop brooding about him.

Living with The Ghost

Frequenting the restaurants, parks and pubs you went with your ex and trying to attend parties where your ex might probably be around are all solid indications that you still love him and want to see him often and most probably try to interact with him. When you go out of your way and plan something just to meet him or get a glance of your ex then you need to change and move on immediately.

Attracting Attention

Buying something or doing something to attract attention of your ex sure enough proves how much you lack his love and care. It is a sure indication that you are trying to make his head turn and look you your way. It is a sign of jealousy on your part and its time you realized that all these jealous tactics might get you a negative and opposite response from your ex.

Facing the Truth

Be honest to yourself first and try to accept your current position. You were in a relationship and it broke, OK so what now? Ask yourself an honest question whether you will accept your ex when he returns or wishes to get back again. Will you be able to forgive him and accept him? Do you still love him the way you did when you first met him? Can you still love him the same after patching things up and getting together again?

Loving your ex is not a grave mistake. Don't feel that way so stop feeling guilty for that and accept things as it is. Face the truth, accept the true and honest feelings you have and decide what NEXT. Because, ultimately you have to take charge of your life and decide whether you want to move on or still try getting back your ex.

Imagine where you could be in a short while - with your ex back in your arms, and you will never have to let go again. It is possible, and it is easy to do. For proven step-by-step systems that will have you back with your ex in no time, Visit Ex Back Secret

Get Your Boyfriend Back But Retain Control and Respect

If you have tried to get your ex boyfriend back take a close look at what you have done to get him back. You may not have got the result you wanted so a rethink is called for and a new strategy implemented.

Please, please never use any of the following tactics.

  • Begging him to come back
  • Pleading with him
  • Promising to change your ways
  • Saying "I'll do anything you want"
  • Trying to use logical reasoning
  • Sending gifts, for any reason
  • Bombarding him with texts and emails

Trying to reason, using logic and arguing with your ex boyfriend simply does not work nor will telling him how much you care. On the contrary it will probably push him further away. Men are not programmed to respond to that kind of reasoning on a deep emotional level.

So repeat the following until it is permanently etched on your mind

Stay cool, remain aloof. this must be your mantra.

But if you are desperate to get a boyfriend back you are probably asking how it is possible to remain aloof. The hard and fast truth is that you simply must because if you use any of the above banned methods to get your boyfriend back, and he does return, it will be on his terms and life will be hell for you.

Face up to this reality as the future success of your relationship cannot be based on the terms of your ex boyfriend, it must be a level playing field but preferably slightly in your favour.

As hard as this may seem at this precise moment you must get out and about and begin to carve out a new life for yourself. A few simple steps at first perhaps regenerating and developing relationships with friends, a coffee together, a shopping trip or lunch are perfect to get the ball rolling.

As you rebuild these friendships you will become independent, build more confidence and feel much better about yourself. This will show in the way you walk, talk and smile. Come on get that smile going again.

I always feel that life with choices is an enriched life and now you will have a choice, do you get a boyfriend back or would you like a new boyfriend? This is the new you, independent and confident doesn't it feel good.

If you still want to get your ex boyfriend back remember the mantra, stay cool and stay aloof. Don't take the aloofness too far just leave him thinking you may be interested again. Do you see what you have now achieved; you have reversed the situation making him want you.

So if you see him, smile, be polite but then quickly move on telling him you have made arrangements to meet a friend. Repeat this without showing too much interest in him and his attitude will change towards you.

The more he can see you are attractive and popular with others the more attractive you become to him and he will realize what he is missing and want you back.

You set out to get a boyfriend back but using psychological tactics it is he who now wants his ex back and that ex is you. The lady has won the battle of the sexes but remember you must be the one in control.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick that will have your ex boyfriend begging you to take him back. There is a set of easy-to-follow psychological tricks that will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out - Click Here


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