We Bond In Our Pain: Let Us Bond in Our Compassion
Sending love, compassion and kindness to all beings

We Bond In Our Pain: Let Us Bond in Our Compassion

First things first: Have you checked out this week's compassion meditation? It's a game-changer. Give it a listen here. And if you're curious about the daily strides we're making towards our big 100,000 subscriber milestone, keep up with me on LinkedIn. Every step counts.

Now, let's dive into the heart of what we’ll be exploring in this newsletter:

  • Anger against minority movements like the Freedom Fund or Black Lives Matter is often fueled by a feeling of being devalued.
  • Compassion serves as the healing balm for racism, which is perpetuated by trauma wounds and the self-serving bias, leading people to attribute negative events to external factors rather than looking inwards.
  • By healing The Four Woundings, leaders can profoundly impact their professional experience and that of their teams by fostering environments of healing and abundance consciousness.

The bottom line is we’re here to shake up leaders’ consciousness and help them move from mere survival to creating an environment of abundance consciousness.


Unpacking the Anger Behind “Critical Race Theory”

Simply turn on the news and you can see the anger surrounding critical race theory. Why has the discussion resulted in national lawsuits, anger, protests, and hate? It’s all in our head. Literally. The neuroscientists call it the self-serving bias – we attribute bad things to someone else and good to ourselves. The problem is the brain is NOT always correct. The distortions blind us:

·?????? Perspective one: Individuals representing white persons may believe that the Fearless Fund, which provides grants to businesses owned by Black women, makes them feel devalued. Their bias, fueled by all four wounds, blinds him to the fact that advocating for one group (whites are being discriminated against) will not disenfranchise another. With the bias removed, they may consider that an upward surge in technical support to Black businesses might benefit everyone.

·?????? Perspective two: A person of color would likely be angry, but their perspective is also informed by the Four Woundings. BIPOC individuals are left asking the same question about their worthiness.

Both individuals are fighting to overcome the same feelings of inadequacy, just coming at it from different directions. These thoughts of unworthiness are not real thoughts. They are conditioned unconscious thoughts that are perpetuated by our self-serving bias and perpetuated by feelings of inadequacy and the four woundings.


Breaking Free from the Chains of Bias Through Compassion


Once, anger, hurt, and fear gripped my soul when confronted with discrimination and racism. But today, a profound shift has occurred within me. Instead of resentment, there's compassion, even for those caught in the web of prejudice.


You may ask why?


Remember racism, oppression and discord is perpetuated by the self-serving bias. It is rooted in the past trauma that is holding our minds hostage.

Picture this: a person, trapped in the clutches of fear, believing the lie that their worth diminishes if Black Lives Matter. It's a trauma etched into their psyche, haunting their present reality. These biases, ingrained by society, dictate their perception of worthiness.


But here's the crux: compassion arises because I see beyond the facade of hate. I recognize the potential for growth stifled by unconscious wounds. They miss out on the beauty of diversity, imprisoned by unfounded fears. Shackled by their mind.


When fury rises within me, I realize it's buying into their narrative, a false dichotomy of worthiness. We're all inherently deserving, irrespective of color or creed.


Awakening to Abundance Consciousness

Our minds, wired for negativity, perpetuate toxic cycles of comparison (wounding 1 and 2) and scarcity (wounding 1, 2, 3, and 4). Yet, we needn't succumb to this paradigm.        


Embrace a paradigm shift: abundance over scarcity, collaboration over competition. Reject the notion that our worth hinges on outdoing others. We're already winners in the game of life.


To break free:


1.???? Meditate: Tune into negative thought patterns to rewire your mindset.


2.???? Feel deeply: Embrace emotions as signals for self-awareness.


3.???? Reflect: Analyze experiences without judgment, seeking growth.


4.???? Adopt Growth Mindset: Reframe challenges positively, reshaping your reality.


5.???? Prioritize Self-Compassion: Embrace love and kindness on your journey to transformation.

By rewiring your Reticular Activation System (a brain system), you shift from a lens of self-doubt to one of self-actualization. This journey births conscious leaders, empowered to navigate life's complexities with clarity and compassion.


Embracing Heart-Centered Leadership


Liberation lies in a heart-based leadership mindset, transcending the shackles of bias. It's a consciousness, a way of being that liberates us from the grip of negativity.


Let's liberate ourselves from the tyranny of our minds. Together, we can dismantle false beliefs and pave the path to self-actualization.


Join us in this revolution of consciousness. Share this message, and together, let's heal and rise. May this endeavor liberate us from the bondage of our minds. May we stand united as one.


Two Beliefs, One Truth:


We needn't strive to be superior; we're inherently worthy.

Our past conditioning doesn't define us; we're perfect beings evolving through experience.


These are not imperfections but scars of growth, guiding us towards collective enlightenment.


Heart-Based Tools for Transformation

As always, with love and gratitude, Amber


