We are the Board of Directors this Week!
Darelyn "DJ" Mitsch, CEO, MCC
Executive & Team Coach, Award Winning Game Changer, Master Coach Trainer and Speaker, CEO, Creator, Enneagram 7, Mentor
I took this picture in a recent tour of the World War II museum in New Orleans. It is one of four in the collection that showcase the aspirations set forward by Franklin Roosevelt in a speech adopted by the Allies in the founding of the United Nations. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Want, and Freedom from FEAR - for the world.
I am calling attention here to the notion that US citizens are a board of directors and shareholders of a corporation that is respected throughout the world. Most of us don't think of it that way. The elections this week - - at every level - - are to have those elected represent our collective values, our mission, our team charter (constitution and bill of rights), and our teams, to represent something we hold so dear we would die for it.
The U.S. Constitution is not really a “social contract,” but a corporate charter. The earliest American colonies were literally corporations of the Crown and, like all corporations, were ruled as limited governments established by these charters. Early Americans gained an understanding of what a constitution is—the team charter of a sovereign organization that ordains and allows and limits a government to act on behalf of it's shareholders - - all citizens.
When this election cycle started we had two leaders who most corporations would have either retired or fired from most any organization in the US. The current CEO claimed he would be a one-term leader - but continued to extend his career with modest support until it was clear the organization needed new energy and a path to unity. The other leader would have been removed for behavior unbecoming a CEO with a list of legal problems that would cause any Board of Directors sleepless nights. And then, smartly, one division of the company had the where-with-all to work with the retiree to find a new way forward and nominate his successor, an experienced and qualified candidate - a lawyer, a district attorney for San Francisco, attorney general for California, US Senator, and Vice President - someone who was called into public service for her entire career and who was mindfully groomed as the successor.
The other party nominated the former "CEO" who clearly instigates fear as a tactic and has created silos in the organization. He diminishes women, uses DEI as a punchline and spreads falsehoods and statements made by others without fact checking himself. His behavior causes chaos and confusion daily so that people don't know what to believe, and he has a command of marketing and media that appeal to fear of loss as the primary emotion. This candidate has held the job before, was put forward again and lost, though he has consistently denied losing. He now has 34 felony convictions and by international law is not likely going to be able to travel to many countries to do business with those who are our allies - - unless he enters the Executive branch office of President with plans to pardon himself on Day One. He has claimed to unleash violence from Day One - but "for just a day," so that everything will be cleaned up. That is a fear and intimidation tactic.
Yet, he represents the beliefs of many who are afraid of personal loss and we need to continue to pay attention as a company to what those fears mean to about half of the larger organization. So BOD, we are faced with a conundrum:
Which leader do you want to run our corporation?
Here's the thing that gives me hope, regardless of this week's outcome. Americans have eventually found and elected the right leaders for the challenges of our time. I still believe in us, and that we will find our way to love - - instead of fear - -over the course of the next few years.
I am here - all coaches are here - to help navigate the disorder and reorder with either result, one leader, one team, one organization at a time. We are here to promote curiosity over being right, listening more deeply and asking better questions. Coaching was called out of humanity at this time, to help us find our collective highest and best, to re-establish and cultivate wisdom, and to build on integrity and dignity in our organizations, to be curious instead of almighty - and to team for innovation and rights of all as part of our Charter: Freedom of Speech, Freedom from Fear, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Want. The US was meant to be a leader in this endeavor.
Let this be our voter's guide. And however you vote, do your research and VOTE heart and soul for those who you feel represent the best in us . . . and seek to unite us.
#freedom #vote #coaching #executivecoaching #teamcharter #constitution #freedomofspeech #freedomfromfear #freedomofreligion #freedomfromwant