We are blessed in so many ways.
Randy Deabay
Experienced Leader and Coach | Adept in Recruiting, Training, and Executing High-Impact Sales and Customer Service Initiatives Across Diverse Industries
Please, in your spare moment, take time to read this. Let it sink into your heart. Life is the small lovely and precious moments, not the expensive homes, clothes, and vehicles. God judges us on our deeds, not our possessions. Give till it hurts, love like everyone is your best friend, and live with a song in your heart and receive the blessings of every new day.
You know, we live in a world where we are surrounded by abundance and bright shiny objects, but do these truly make the heart and soul happy?
I have struggled most of my life, and because I followed the teachings of my Mom and Dad, the love of God, and the wisdom of Jesus, I gave most away to those less fortunate than me. Have I ever begrudged that, not one moment? To see the sparkle come back into a Dad's eyes when they had no heat or food, and they were delivered oil and groceries, was such a blessing for me.
That may be just words to you, but to me, my father, My God, that is what he wants from his children, love kindness, and a heart worthy of the Holy Spirit and the blessings that come with it.
A little old man was playing a fiddle in Georgia. The music was like a symphony, but the fiddle was old, and tattered, and the strings just frail with time. Then this young handsome man showed up, opened up this most ornate fiddle case, and pulled out a golden fiddle that sparkled in the sun's smile. He challenged the old Georgia to a battle, and if he won, the old man's soul belonged to him, but if he lost, the Golden fiddle would be placed at the old man's feet, and the young stranger would walk away never to return.
The young man started to play and the music was loud and had people smiling, and dancing. When he finished, the old man began to tune his old tattered fiddle and brought it up to his shoulder and chin. Spoke silently to the fiddle and began, and what came out was miraculous. It was like a symphony of Angel's singing, and everyone just stood there in complete amazement.
When the old man stopped, the listeners had grown by 100-fold, and they came from the fields, stopped cars, and the stores of the small little Georgia Town.
The young Devil knew he had lost, so he placed the fiddle of gold at the old man's feet. And the old man spoke up clearly and with confidence. You may be able to dazzle us with your gold, but God saves us with his love.