By Ken Simmons?
For the first time since the end of World War II we face the real possibility that the U.S. Dollar may lose its standing as the World’s Reserve Currency.
Recently Brazil decided it would no longer engage in its commodities trading using the U.S. Dollar and has now switched to the Chinese Yuan. If this trend continues, and it becomes a domino effect, the results to the American economy will be catastrophic. *At $31+ trillion the interest rates on our national debt will quickly become greater than our defense budget, because the dollar will no longer be rated AAA. You may recall just a few short years ago that the dollar lost its AAA+ rating when our national debt approached $30 trillion, and that was a warning shot across the bow for the U.S. economy.
The average American may not fully understand the impact of such an event, so let’s see if we can put this trend into perspective to see how it affects the average U.S. household.
The loss of the American dollar as being the World’s Reserve Currency would mean that the interest on our debt would rise by leaps and bounds. As it stands now some economists predict that by the year 2030 (some say sooner) the interest alone on our national debt will be the largest item in our national budget.
The hikes in our interest rates will quickly flow downhill to the American consumer and could make the interest rates easily top the 20% or more we experienced during the Carter Administration, and it took about two years during the Reagan presidency for the rates to return to normal.
Love him, or hate him, during the presidency of Donald Trump, we were energy independent, and we were a net exporter of energy, enjoying the largest energy reserves in the world, and yes, even greater than that of Saudi Arabia. Our energy reserves have not changed, but the Biden Administration caved to the Green-Energy cultists and decided we would not utilize those reserves. The result has been that instead of using our own resources we have now begun buying energy from countries that certainly don’t have our best interests in mind, but instead, seek the decline of America and its standing in the world.
During the Trump Administration, our unemployment levels were lower in every category. Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians, all enjoyed the lowest unemployment levels ever, and women enjoyed the lowest levels in 40 years.
Inflation was at 1.4%, gasoline sold at $2.39 a gallon, our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was at 6.3% and the U.S. dollar was still king.
Our southern border was secure, with the wall only months away from completion, and we would likely not have experienced the additional 6.5+ million people illegally entering our country since Joe Biden took office.
Some will eventually ask the question, **“What will happen to our climate if we continue using fossil fuels, and we become energy independent? Didn’t Alexandria Occasion-Cortez say that the earth will end in 12 years if we don’t stop using fossil fuels?” Yes, AOC said that, but are we to follow the guidance from a young woman in Congress who considers herself a fashion model more than a legislator?
Actually, the real answer is little or nothing will happen if we return to energy independence. I know, that sounds simplistic, and I am not a climatologist, and what do I, a simple writer/author know about climate change? Very little, but I am an avid researcher, and I study . . . I study a lot because I care about the things that affect everyday Americans.
If you want to know the truth about climate change, please watch the following video. It is slightly more than an hour long, but it is professionally done, fascinating and it is eye-opening to watch, and it is the work of leading experts in the fields of climatology, and meteorology. You will discover that the global warming alarmists know little, if anything about that which they shout, “the sky is falling, the sky is falling,” and they have allowed climate change to become something akin to a religious cult. Anyone who dares disagree with the dogma of that cult quickly becomes persona non grata and is “excommunicated.” And (big surprise) you will learn that there are huge sums of money wrapped up in this global warming hoax.
Here is an example of what you will learn, from the real experts. CO2 DOES NOT cause the earth to become warmer. In fact, the opposite is true. Repeated polar ice core samples covering tens of thousands of years of earth history have consistently shown that CO2 levels rise AFTER the earth has warmed, not the other way around. The true cause for the earth climate to fluctuate is our beautiful friend some 93 million miles above us. That is the true cause of earth’s cyclical climate changes that have continued throughout earth’s history.
Here is the link to the video, entitled “The Great Global Warming Swindle.”
(This link may not work as a hot link for you, so you may need to cut and paste it to your browser).?
*The National Debt Clock indicates that our national indebtedness will reach $32 trillion within a matter of months.
**The use of renewable energy resources rather than fossil fuels is a desirable policy goal, but one that must be implemented gradually over several decades. This could be accomplished through the use of such scientific advances in **hydrogen fuels, and the recently-invented glass battery, etc., but the rush to rapidly change our energy sources using current technology has had a disastrous impact on the U.S. economy.
***Hydrogen fuels should not be confused with hydrogen fission which is the method by which we create hydrogen thermonuclear weapons. The use of hydrogen fusion is a safe example of such technology and the possibilities of its use are limitless.