We believe in the power of research to improve the outcomes of reproductive and maternal health: Per Falk, President, Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Shahid Akhter, editor, ETHealthworld, spoke to Per Falk, President, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, to find out about Ferring's efforts to improve reproductive and maternal health by way of therapeutic innovations.
Reproductive & Maternal Healthcare: Emerging trends and challenges
There has been an awareness around the world, among Governments and others about the increasing need for reproductive medicine support. For most countries in the world, unlike India, the population is falling… there are fewer and fewer babies born and the need to assist families to have children is increasing.
Today, 1 couple in 6 cannot conceive naturally and this is a combination of many things but the need to actually support these people to build their family journey is something that is recognized in greater degree both from the policy side as well as from the personal side. So, this awareness has evolved tremendously over the years. On the maternal side (so this is about getting pregnant). On the maternal side, being pregnant and giving birth the challenges are different. There are huge disparities in the world when it comes to the safety of being pregnant and as a reflection of that the maternal mortality rates are still very very high in many parts of the world. Compared to the European numbers where most preventable deaths from complications in pregnancy can be addressed, where you have 2 to 4 for 100000 births. In many other countries you have up to a 1000 in the worst cases and of course many women live in areas of despair poverty and war & conflict where this is even worse.
Reproductive & Maternal Healthcare: Impact of COVID-19
What happened during Covid was that, probably, whereas one area improved - the access to fertility care improved and the utilization of fertility services increased. On the maternal health side, it went the other way. So, the risk of dying during child birth increased significantly during COVID, simply because of the stress on the societies.
When Ferring thinks about the therapeutic innovation, we think about 2 things. We think about innovation in therapies. So new drugs to improve the outcome for patients and help them live better lives but also innovation in access which is a large problem for a big part of the world.
Post partum hemorrhage: Challenges and way forward
Let me mention a couple of examples of this. I'll start with innovation in access. Maternal health is an exceptionally underserved area in the world. There are 15 million known cases of diseases or pregnancy, with over a million deaths - the mother or the child or both every year this is probably just what you know and a lot of these situations are most likely preventable. One of the most common causes of maternal death is postpartum haemorrhage which basically means that after a usually successful delivery, the mother will bleed to death because the placenta will let go and the uterus will not contract. Most of these situations are preventable but due to the lack of access to proper treatments and training of healthcare professionals, this is not happening.
As you will know reducing the maternal mortality rates one of the sustainable development goals of the WHO and United Nations. And we have an opportunity as a company to play an important role here, to address the innovation in access and we do that by using our unique innovations with therapies that can address the problem of post-partum haemorrhage and work with those who have presence on the ground where the therapy is needed to make sure that women can get access where they needed, wherever they are, however remote it is. This is the job that we've been doing for the last 10 years working with, for instance, WHO and a number of other NGOs in the world and also here in India and we believe we have an extremely important role to play to help overcome this.
Ferring Pharmaceuticals: Therapeutic areas of innovation
Ferring is a 72-year-old company, that was founded in Sweden by the family that still controls and owns the company. From the beginning, they were very active in innovation for patients and they would go in directions where normal pharma probably wouldn't go because they saw a very strong medical need and they thought more about that, than the likelihood of getting commercial return and this still drives this company. We have a statement that says that we believe in the power of research and that means you do the right research to solve problems for patients, the profits you need to sustain the company will follow. So, we do not start in the commercial end.
Over the last 7 decades, there are 3 areas that have evolved as strong therapeutic areas and areas of expertise for Ferring. The biggest and most prominent one is reproductive and maternal health. So, solutions that help building families, that help creating pregnancies and hopefully also create safe deliveries, and healthy babies and healthy mothers. This is our biggest area today. Traditionally, we have also been very very strong in the area of gastroenterology and Ferring introduced strong innovation in the 1990s that really changed the way the inflammatory bowel diseases were treated, for instance. And we are still working in that area. And also, in the area of urology, we have had a lot of innovation both when it comes to prostate cancer and regulation of urine production, something that can be used both to treat life threatening diseases and to treat the young people with bed-wetting problems. So, these are the 3 areas that Ferring has a strong hold and we continue to work in these areas today.
Ferring Pharmaceuticals: Market
For Ferring, the markets in general reflect pharmaceutical industry in general as well. Dependence on US is still big and we have a lot of opportunities to grow there and dependence on Europe for cash generation is also very important.
We look in Asia, it is clear that it is China and India that are the future potential. This is where you have the opportunity, the volume of patients, the development and maturity of the healthcare systems and in particular, in India where you have a unique mix between high technology, high talent training so a lot of knowledge, young people with a lot of knowledge, that can be used for developing new drugs both for India and the world.
We have good policies put in place by the Indian government around the areas that are close to our hearts including maternal health. And of course, the volume of people with an increasing wealth and developmental society makes it probably the most promising opportunity for the healthcare sector in the future.