Are we being blindsided by 'resistance'? to change?

Are we being blindsided by 'resistance' to change?

Most of us, I hope, would like to see an element of sustainability lingering beyond the end of any project or program involving change and transformation.

Yet so often it is this sustainability, this internal ability self-sustain and evolve over time that seems to allude us. True success, however, lies in our ability to leave this legacy behind any project or program we lead.

The reason for this I am sure is complex and one that deserves a pretty good hefty amount of research, academic rigour etc. etc. etc.

Just for today, however, I propose that many (even most) of our efforts to support lasting change and transformation are missing a crucial ingredient – this isn’t the absence of a bit of flavour or something optional – it’s a core ingredient like tomatoes in tomato soup, pastry surrounding a pie – or the rice we need to cook a risotto. (Forgive the culinary analogies – but it’s Friday!).

I believe human beings are natural at change. We are masters of evolution – only when we not looking!

Which brings me to the core ingredient so often overlooked in our modern-day change and transformation efforts. The unconscious brain.

In previous blogs , I have talked about modern mindset and the power our unconscious mind has playing around the background of our conscious thoughts and decisions. And that’s just it, it is this unconscious mind (alongside other complex chemical triggers and reactions) – that is keeping us safe from danger, still trying to play a part in our ability to adapt and evolve to the modern world.

Have you ever started the New Year with a genuine intention to get fitter, thinner, healthier, smarter, richer??Then, by April you are looking back at good intentions but very little impact and nothing manifest?

This is a ‘thing’ everyone! This is something we need to observe, uncover, and understand as part of any change and transformation. This ‘thing’ is called an immunity to change. It is our unconscious brain incorrectly trying to protect us and save us. Not from sabre tooth tigers, but more likely from looking stupid in front of your boss, or being seen to fail in front of your team or not being accepted as a peer and colleague.

Actually, Immunity to Change is more than a 'thing', it’s a well-researched and used model created and developed by Robert Kegan and Lisa Lehay. ?For us to evolve and achieve lasting change we must first observe whether there is any immunity toward that change going on.?What's incredible is that once you are aware of this phenomena you can notice it pretty easily too.

Take for example a desire you have to speak up and speak truth in business conversations, especially those that include senior leaders. Yet, every time you want to, you seem to retreat, avoid, or just do nothing when the opportunity arises. An immunity to change is when the desire is there yet we seem to manifest the opposite! Something in my experience that is evidenced often at a leadership level in times of change and transformation.

For more information on Immunity to Change and the model check out and follow Minds At Work or check out this link .

For now however, I urge you all, the next time someone talks about resistance to change being the reason things aren’t going too well – observe and listen…can you see desire, intention, motivation, or genuine agreement, but no evidence in words, actions or behaviour? You may just have uncovered an immunity toward that change…


If you would like to know more about who you can build your own humanising transformation capability as a certified practitioner or would simply like to explore how some of these strategies could make a difference to transformation you are leading or working on, why not schedule a 121 session with me directly - totally confidential ??

Schedule a session?HERE

#digitaltransformation ?#digitalageleadership ?#digitalleadership ?#transformation ?#humanisetransformation ?#modernmindset ?#mindsettheory ?#identityshift ?#modernleadership ?#thedilynway ?#thefutureofwork

Trudie Avery

Creating STAND OUT professional looking brands that boost profits for passionate, purpose-driven business owners who want to make a difference | LOGO DESIGN | BRANDING | WEB DESIGN | GRAPHICS

2 年

Loving this and will check out Minds at Work. Thanks Mel


Powerful and yet a simple consideration in times of change and transformation

Christian Harris

Founder: Slip Safety Services | Author: Prevent Slip Accidents with Slipology ?? | Host: Safety And Risk Success Podcast ?? | Host: Safety Roundtable ??

2 年

Love your work Mel ????????

Jo Ferreday

Reliable Events & Corporate Hospitality Services | Venue Searching & Event Support | MD of Sheer Edge & Editor in Chief of Inside Edge

2 年

I will certainly look at this and revisit your webinar this week too Mel

Mohsinaa Ahmad

?? Celebrity Host I Taking you from Unknown to Unrivaled ? | Reaching 10m+ Homes worldwide through the Hindustan Times Youtube Podcast

2 年

Bravo on this one Mel


