We are a Band of Spiritual Warriors from all Faiths, Deriving Strength from Our Own Faith. We Are: Together For A Better World!
Shun the Evil of False Religious Teachings, Taught by Greedy, Self-Seeking Priests of All Faiths! Judge, Who Preaches Hatred, Who Preaches Goodness: Joyous Harmony, Peace, Kindness, Compassion and Love with Fellow Humans and all His Creatures. Peep into Your Conscience for in Your Conscience the Almighty Resides: Goodness Resides.
Our motto: “With Belief and Faith in Ourselves, in the Oneness of Human Spirit, We, of all Faiths, Shall Soldier On...”
Poverty of Spirit or Richness of Spirit
Together for a Better World
When this question was posed to me, quickly I thought I needed to be rich in the spirit. Rich is good, isn’t it!! That means a lot of spirit, doesn’t it!! But I did not say it out loud, because somehow I knew there had to be more to this question than meets the eye. I started reading, praying and trying to discern my Maker’s will about the question, which had become, and continues to be, very important to me.
We are pilgrims in this world. Our real home is with the God of the Universe who gave us life. Most of us feel a pull towards a Higher Power in our lives. Many times we are disappointed in people or establishments who don’t come through with what we think we need. However, the responsibility belongs to us to search and find what works for us. We have a loving Higher Power who has given us so much. We don’t talk to him or give him our love and gratitude nearly enough. We need to be aware that we are the only ones who can reach out and find our Maker. He is always waiting but will not insist we pay him attention.
We must have Poverty of Spirit to live in a manner which is pleasing to our Higher Power. We have doubts, we are restless, our hearts hurt, confusion reigns, our eyes fill with tears in frustration, we are angry and often sad. We so often can’t figure out what is missing in our lives. We think we need more; more things, a promotion or a better job, a loving spouse who builds us up, but, in actuality, we need to get to know our Maker and receive his absolute love. We find ourselves when we lose ourselves. This way of living is not an easy task in the material world we inhabit. We need to have hearts like beggars on the street. We need to be willing to sacrifice for others. Clinging to people, our belongings, houses, a job, or a person we think will make us happy. Because things will never make us satisfied. .
It doesn’t matter if you go to a church, that doesn’t automatically made you poor in spirit or happy. Becoming indifferent or, for me, a better word, is detached. We need to detach from all we love more than our Maker. This is not to say you shouldn’t have possessions, but they should be held loosely, not grasped, and we need to let them go easily. Further, you should not want or possess more than you need.
I understand how this hits you. It hit me the same way. But our Holy One has given us life for a reason; there is a purpose for each one of us. He has provided us with all that is good. I personally, have too much stuff. I could give many excuses why I don’t rid myself of meaningless things. I have divested myself of positions in the past and will do it again. Things don’t mean as much to me since I started this quest to understand what I need to do to please the Holy One. I obey the Commandments and I give donations to help the needy. But that is not enough. I need to know the Holy One of my Understanding, I need to develop a closer relationship with him and I need to love this Maker of All Things, while understanding He loves me much more than I could ever imagine. I need to work harder, give more, love others more and really help them, meeting them where they are in their lives. When all these unimportant, earthly possessions fade away, what we need to be with the Maker of the Universe. The ultimate answer of who we are and why we are here will be found in our Higher Power.
O Holy One, O Lord, help us realize that the feelings confusion and wanting we have will begin to disappear when we realize we belong to Our Maker, not ourselves. Most religions have much in common, and some things that are different. We must make our choice about that. However, my faith tells me to love my God above all and love my neighbor as I do myself. My Higher Power doesn’t want me to buy things I don’t need when others have nothing. He doesn’t want me to want honor and prestige above all else. He wants me to be humble of heart which is another way of saying loving. Our Higher Power will know us from how we treat our fellow human beings. He will know us by how we treat everyone, to include animals, but especially the most vulnerable--the old and young, innocent animals, our beautiful Earth with its rivers, oceans and streams, the air we breathe to sustain life. Do you seek the Face of the Maker of All? You will find him when you look into the face of other. Our formula is God—self—others.
“Together for Another World”: We are a diverse group of people who have banded Together for a Better World. We think differently about many things, but what holds us together is we want to mend this sad world. We are made up of all religions and others who are atheists or agnostics, but the only thing that really matters is that we respect each other and our beliefs. In fact, we applaud our different beliefs, because that makes us a stronger group, working to show the world that if we can do it, so can everyone else. Hatred, bigotry, war, discrimination, anger, has not helped this world; it’s only hurt this world and the good people in it. We need to foster a feeling of acceptance and love among all humans and pass it on.
- Gail Ann Luna
Human life is sacred.
We value our own life as we value the life of each and every human being on our beautiful Blue Planet- Earth.
This is not about religion. It is about the misuse of religion to foster violence by believers of one Faith against another Faith.
All Faiths accept the Oneness of God, then why hatred and violence?
The Path of each and every Faith leads to Him, then why the hatred and violence by believers of one Faith against another.
Hatred breeds violence. Violence engenders more hatred.
Cause: misinformation and disinformation.
Who spreads misinformation and disinformation?
Is it the intermediary of every Faith, whose bounden duty is to spread goodness, love, kindness and compassion for a fellow human being of whatever hue?
Does an infant need an intermediary to savour the nourishment of the mother’s milk of love? Does a human need an intermediary to confabulate with his Maker?
Our Almighty oozes the milk of loving kindness and intermediaries, greed and hatred.
Does not the sweet nectar of love and virtue flow through the human heart in a single, bubbling eternal stream and reveal the dazzling truth of Oneness of Human Spirit!
Don’t we arise from the same five elements- earth, water, fire, air and ether- found in abundance in Nature- Mother Earth?
Don’t we, when our breath of life leaves our flesh, return to those same elements which Mother Earth bestows on us with boundless, selfless love?
Let us embrace Mother Earth, Embrace Wisdom; Embrace the Joy of Life and the Peace of Death in Her Loving Bosom!
Can’t we kindle that Spirit of Oneness, light a fire in every human heart to disperse the horrors of darkness spread by intermediaries of every Faith?
Yes, together we can, you and I as one entity, reach out to the stars, grab and embrace them.
We are a band of Spiritual Warriors from all Faiths, deriving strength from our own Faith.
We believe in the Gospel of Oneness of the Human Spirit- “One Creator with Different Names.”
We believe Goodness, Goodwill, Harmony, Peace and Joy is the Almighty’s diktat for the 21st Century, when He is caressing humankind to strive to reach out to His universe beyond our beautiful Blue Planet- Earth.
We believe, humankind should sally forth as “One Family, One Earth” to transform our minds even as we reach out to the worlds beyond.
We are pledged to nurture the Joys of Oneness.
We shall strive to open the doors of spiritual wisdom of Oneness garnered from all Faiths and appeal to those who choose to spread misinformation and disinformation through our message of love, kindness and compassion.
Hatred is wrong, love for fellow humans is right. Nothing else matters.
Small drops of water can fill a bucket of water. If every good soul contributes, the bucket of peace, harmony, love and joy will overflow.
We shall strive for Freedom from Fear for Humankind.
We shall not falter.
We shall not fail.