Are We Aware Of Our "Full" Potential? The Reality Of Today's World

Are We Aware Of Our "Full" Potential? The Reality Of Today's World

I just got a New pair of Glasses.

It isn't anything that exciting on the outside.

They look fairly similar to my previous pair.

The prescription was basically the same.

Honestly, No One around me has Noticed...

Except my Spouse because she helped me pick out the Glasses.

Now, Why do I bring this up?

What Does it Have to Do with Our Potential in Today's World?

Let me Explain...

In theory...

If My Prescription is more or less the Same...

It would make sense if I Didn't See "Any" Differences between the New and Old Glasses.

Maybe a Slight Adjustment.

But Nothing Considerable.

Nothing Major.

Is that what happened?


There was an Incredible Difference!

How could that be?

Well, it has to do with the Old Lens I had.

I've had those Glasses for Over Three Years.

They have been with me through Everything.





Spartan Races.

Yes, I have taken those glasses through Mud, Water, Sand, Snow.

You Name It.

What has happened to them over time?

Well, the Outside Film on the Glasses has... You could say Eroded.

If you look at them, they have odd patches here and there.

I had been looking through those glasses for a "long" time like that.

But these New Glasses?

Clear as can be!

No Patches.

No Deterioration.

Just Clean Vision.

It was a bit Discombobulating at first, but it is "Significantly" Better.

When we look at Human Potential, most people are "Looking" at their Potential with Glasses that have a Deteriorated Film...

If we're going to be Fully Honest, it is actually "Worse" than that for the Majority of People.

How do I Know?

I Understand Human Psychophysiology.

I've been Studying and getting Certified in Different Modalities for Years.

I've Seen the Conditions we all Live In.

Few people Live Truly "Healthy" Lives.

Anxiety is Extremely High.

So is Depression.

Food Quality is Horrific, and Most People have "No" Clue what Sickening Things are "In" their Food.

I see People who are considered "Fit" Do Excessively Damaging Practices to their Bodies to Attain "That Look".

Things their Bodies May "Never" Recover From.

I've Seen the State of Most People's Nervous Systems.

They have Built "Stress Capsules" in their Bodies that Create Debilitating Pain.

I watch People Breathe.

Most people have gotten into a Negative Habit of Breathing.

If you pay Attention, every Breath they take puts them into a Sympathetic State or Fight-Or-Flight.




They have No Idea that they have Created a Habit out of it either.

This creates a "Baseline" Norm for them of Panic.

Just from their Breathing.

Not Including what "Happens" in their Lives.

Then there is Sleep, where Most Countries Fall Short of Averaging Even 7 Hours of Sleep.

These Different Factors can each cause Decreases in Both IQ and EQ.

We're Unable to Think at our Best.

We're Unable to Interact at our Best.

Further, You can look at All of these Factors, and then Apply them to Epigenetics.

In Epigenetics, we discover that our Genes, our DNA, will literally Change based on our Environments.

Some in Seconds.

Others in Minutes.

Some Longer.

What Causes these Changes in DNA?

Our Thoughts.

The Food We Eat.

The Air We Breathe - Both Quality and Speed.

These Factors and More can have an Immediate Impact on our DNA.

So what happens?

Down to the DNA Level, we become Unhealthy.

The Result?


Impacting 80% of People.

Burnout has been shown to Cap our Productivity Potential to 5%.

It may be More because I'm Not Convinced Studies are done with "Healthy" Individuals...

Just "Healthier" Individuals, but Still Profoundly Sick Individuals Taken from a Baseline Far Below Even What Should Be "Normal".

Even if you are One of the Few People to Seriously Tackle a Factor, like Improving Food Quality...

Based on Real Science and Not Marketing "Science"...

You're Still Not Going to Be Anywhere "Near" Your Potential.

There are So Many Other Factors that are Negatively Impacting Your Potential.

It is also becoming Increasingly Common that People are "Born" into this State of Being.

Even in the Womb, our Hearts begin to Learn (via Neurocardiology) Stress Patterns from Both of our Parents and Every Other Person around Them.

The Quality of Food is Passed to the Baby in the Womb.

Cortisol (The "Stress" Hormone) Changes How the Baby Grows in the Womb.

Nervous System Reactions become Inhereted, as well as DNA Sequences.

We are Born Without "Ever" Being Close To Our True Potential.

We are Born with Eroded Lenses On.

We are Blind to Our Potential.

This is the Reality for Nearly Everyone in Today's World.

It Breaks My Heart.


Most People Will Never Even See a "Glimpse" of Their True Potential.

I Hope this is Not the Case for You.

I Hope You Tap into Your Potential.

Not Just One Day.

But Every Day.

That is the Future I Strive For.

In My Life.

With My Family.

For those I Write and Speak To.

For those I Work With and Coach.

Let's Take Off the Old Glasses.

Here is to You Seeing a Clear Path to Your Potential.

Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

Multi-Award-Winning Sageship Coach, Daily Digital Writer (700+), Producer, TV Show Host, Podcaster, Speaker | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | Categories: Sageship & Legendary Leadership | #1 Creator: Typeshare & Vocal

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