We aren't for sale...
Belinda Foster
Executive Partner and National Recruiter for Centropix Biotech Wellness Solutions
As I sit here deeply reflecting on this last Sunday before Christmas 2020, I'm seeing multiple posts about the Federal Govt and Employers requiring we be stabbed in the arm by an enemy created injection that while many will be first to take, most will refuse. The government nor my employer is my doctor.
For this stab in the arm, employees must now also choose between allowing a tyrannical and compromised government to dictate terms of their personal choice in health care that will force them to walk off their jobs if they say no to the stab.
Not only are businesses already struggling as government intentionally destroys them while allowing monopolies to take over, with the government itself becoming the most profitable monopoly, we no longer have free will.
Poof, just like that, it is gone. We are restricted to a level we have not ever witnessed and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Forced stabs are in full view.
But there is hope. We are going to fight for freedom and our rights to choose.
Our Body Our Choice was once chanted by many. Where are they now?
So if you are reading this, or know someone who might be facing that difficult choice between losing their job or fighting for medical freedom of choice, do know there are many options.
If someone needs work, let me know. There are a group of us all over the USA who meet up weekly by zoom, we are professionals, caring, hard working and we serve an almighty God, not evil men.
We have already left that employer workplace as we can not be controlled. We can help you just like we come together weekly and help each other. You have many options!
We are trainers, producers, executives and we show people they don't need an employer to control when they pee, when they vacation, how much money they can or can't make, and when they can go home at the end of the day. We are proof of what can be done and done in the privacy of one's own home on their own terms. 1099 is the way to go, that is true freedom.
Never let the fear of failure stop you from being your own boss. Because we can assure you it's not failure that is holding one back. It is the fear of success and what it might take to enjoy that journey.
We are all going to be here for each other as we move into turbulent times in the first quarter of 2021. We are in this to win this. Americans will not succumb to this master globalist plan of enslavement. Viruses are real, these threats are real, and that's the enemy who is knocking on your door... It is up to each one of us to decide if we open that door to suppression and control or if we choose to keep it out of our lives, our homes and our arms.