We Aren't Always a Dogs Best Friend
Being a product developer, many of you know I have developed many different consumer products. This one development is very close to my heart. Having grown up in a hunting family and owning dogs. I have seen first hand when someone has left their dog out in the heat without shade or water. Heat strokes in dogs are not pretty and extremely sad.
5 Signs of Heat Stroke in Dogs 1. Excessive & ongoing panting 2. Brick-red or blue-purple gums 3. Lethargic, collapsed and seizures 4. Excessive drooling 5. History of exercise on hot day, left unattended in a hot car, or unable to get out of sun. If you suspect your dog is suffering from a heat stroke, immediately contact your veterinarian. Move your dog to a cooler place pour water over a towel over the dog and place a fan in front of your dog to try to save it.
Many times we don't pay attention to the symptoms of heat exhaustion a potentially deadly heat stroke. Many times we don't pay close enough attention to them we run, cycle or play fetch with them in the park. The signs are subtle sometimes if we have never experienced a dog when it is stressed by heat. Dogs with short noses or snouts, bull dogs, pugs, Boston terriers have a very hard time breathing in the heat. When they are at risk as you will notice they are very lethargic and their tongue will be out further than usual trying to cool down. Move them immediately to a cooler place!
I have studied the anatomy of dogs and the way they react to heat. Dogs normally cool themselves breathing through their mouths. When I develop a product I first research other products to find their weaknesses. I have studied every device previously developed and they all fell short. At the 2017 Super Zoo show in Vegas I met with several company CEO’s and several of them were discontinuing their cooling products for dogs simply because they didn’t work very well. There was nothing in the market even close to what I had created.
Common sense will tell you to help cool a dog you must cool the air he breaths as it goes into his respiratory system. By cooling their throat, esophagus, chest and stomach with a device that is 55 degrees you are cooling their upper body and respiratory system temperature down. In doing so the air entering the lungs is cooled, it in turns cools the blood flowing back to the heart, the tissue which surrounds the heart has also been cooled down due to 55 degree temperature of the phase change CoolR pack being in constant contact with an animals body lowering the body temperature in that area.Therefore, cooler blood is pumped throughout the dogs body brought back to the dogs normal blood temperature as it is pumped back into the heart and lungs and esophagus of the dog to be cooled down again.
Similar temperature phase change packs I used for the Extended Cooling Soft Dog Harness are currently used in the medical field to reduce the core temperature of patients with very high body temperature, fevers to prevent organ or brain damage and possible death! The same type cool packs are used in vest for workers working in extreme temperatures to prevent heat exhaustion or heat strokes! Why in Gods name would not the same technology work for a dog as it would for a human? It will and it does!
My ultimate goal is to save mans best friend and working partner. Quite frankly it beats the heck out of what we have now. I am only offering a choice to keep a dog healthy and alive. Pet dogs are a members of the family, Sport dogs are major investments and a mans working partner.
What is you dogs life worth to you?